Comments: This was the worst swim of my life. I lost almost all composure. I did okay for the first 100, and then couldn't catch my breath and starting freaking; luckily I had a friend's hubby (1for1) to push me through from the pool side. I swam the same distance two weeks ago in 11:30, and felt fine. What would you do differently?: I need to get over pre-race jitters, swim a lot more, improve form (again) and take a valium. :) Transition 1
Comments: I don't remember much, just glad to be out of that freaking pool. Starting to drizzle rain. Probably wasted a little time fumbling and trying to regain composure. What would you do differently?: Run faster to T1 and hussle to get my gear on. Not bother drying off, if I'd known the down pour was coming. Bike
Comments: mostly flat with some hills, was afraid to push too hard - wanted some left for the run, never drank on the bike - just held mouth open and caught the rain - I was well hydrated and with the humidity my mouth never even got dry, weather was down pouring rain and some hail with wind and 40 something degrees, I was numb. Rode course with my friend Dia (excited2tri), so we just laughed the crappie weather off as our shoes filled up with water. I even got water up my nose from the bike ride, go figure???? What would you do differently?: push a little harder on the uphills, maybe tell Dia to go ahead so I would have to go or get left behind. :) Transition 2
Comments: I was able to dismount without people coming up behind me and I was careful to get my legs under me (I almost fell last time trying to stand up off the bike). Back at my towel, I was fumbling again, everything was soaked and it threw my concentration off. What would you do differently?: stay focused, and hurry up. Run
Comments: My shoe came untied the first 1/2 mile, I didn't use Yanks, cause I can't seem to get the tension right (too tight or to loose), and I likes my feet comfy on the run. Walked the uphill gravel 1 min. walk break x2, then again on the uphill sidewalk 1 min. walk break x2 - trying to keep my HR in check. Felt like I was going slower, but I was happy with the run pace as it turned out. What would you do differently?: cut the walk breaks down to 30 sec. or 2 less Post race
Warm down: Talking with my Queen City Tri Club peeps (thanks for hanging around for us slow pokes ya'll are the best! medic0020, love2tri, and foots), ate an orange, drank some water, started getting cold, wanted to hit the massage tent, but went back to run in with hubby (papahawk) - got that much of a second wind to run another .5 mi. Missed the massage tent. What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of consistent training due to school and illness, being too slow on the bike, and freaking out on the swim. I thought about sticking to running, but I've signed up for one more tri in June, so I'll try to redeem myself before I start nursing school and really don't have much time to train. Overall, I am happy to have completed the race safely. The weather was almost comical relief, unbelievable. The goal of signing up for the race was to keep me motivated to exercise regularly, if I hadn't had it to do, I would not have made it to the gym at all in the past two months. I thought I'd do much better on the swim and bike and that the transitions and run would be longer. My personal goal was to complete the race in 1:45:00 - 1:50:00, so I guess I met my goals. I just can't get the horror of the swim out of my mind; I hate it when I lose my composure. To end on a positve note, one of our friends who is a runner came out to spectate and he wants to do it next year - another newbie on the way... Event comments: Seems to me like this race attracts more of the Open (Elite) crowd, not many beginners, I think I'd enjoy it more as a spectator. :) Post race festivities were lousy - I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and blame the weather. :) Last updated: 2008-01-21 12:00 AM
United States
48F / 9C
Overall Rank = 137/159
Age Group = Athena
Age Group Rank = 12/14
Didn't sleep well, of course. Got up at 5:30, got dressed, baby sitter situated, and left. Couldn't eat without feeling like I was going to gag. Had to make emergency stop at Starbucks (which pleased hubby - the addict) due to upset tummy, nerves.
Set up transition area, talked to friends, took pictures, watched swim and bike start for Open category, ate finally, put in contacts, braided my hair back, a little stretching, hey...I had 1 1/2 hrs to kill. LOL