Historic Half 8.5 Walk/Run - Run8k

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Fort Langley, British Columbia
Total Time = 51m 44s
Overall Rank = 18/90
Age Group = 20-29 Female
Age Group Rank = 3/14
Pre-race routine:

Had breakfast of oatmeal, an apple and half a cup of coffee. Probably ate to much oatmeal.Drove the course the night before but drove again and took a picture.
Event warmup:

They had an organized warm up but I just jogged from the car to the race line and did some stretching. Felt really good so didn't want to jinx anything.
  • 51m 44s
  • 8.5 kms
  • 06m 05s  min/km

So it turned out the hills were no problem. And I have idea how I pulled off this ranking. I started no where near the start line (maybe 2/3 of the way back in the pack). And I continuously picked people off during the race but didn't realize it was that many! Everything clicked. My HR was pretty high but my breathing was pretty relaxed so I just went with it. The first hill was easy and maintained my own pace. Forgot about the one last hill in the 4th km so that took some mental effort to push through. In the 5th km was the last steep little hill and they were holding traffic and there was a big enough gap between myself and the person in front of me that I felt bad that they were holding traffic so I decided to sprint up the last 20m. Impressed the volunteers and one of them even took a picture :) Flew down the hills and my knee felt great the whole time, good recovery after the little sprint. On the last flat tried to hold it and focused on keeping pace with a person in front of me and had an amazing split but that's about where the mental effort was really having to kick in. The last.75km was a challenge. I could see the finish but it just didn't look like it was getting any closer. found my kick about 50m out and crossed strong.
What would you do differently?:

I should have eaten better the week before. Ate a lot of chocolate on behalf of valentines day. Other than that it was great!
Post race
Warm down:

Walked stretched some, had some of their snacks. Talked to the guy selling "the stick" and he used it on my legs and it was awesome. After about 10 minutes of cooling down and wandering around, I felt like I could do it again.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Just being new to it all and not knowing exactly how hard I can push.

Getting used to trusting my knee and what it can handle.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2008-02-04 12:00 AM
00:51:44 | 08.5 kms | 06m 05s  min/km
Age Group: 3/14
Overall: 18/90
Performance: Good
first 2k-12:51 avg hr 164 3k-6:11 avg hr 172 4th- 6:36 avg hr 173 5th-6:56 avg hr 171 6th- 5:49 avg hr 171(sprint up a hill and hr went to 180) 7th 5:57- avg hr 168 8th-4:24-avg hr 174 last .5km- 2:44 avg hr 176 overall HR avg. 170, max 180
Course: "The start of the race provides a comfortable, smooth and flat warm-up as you make your way through the quiet streets of Fort Langley. After your warm-up you move towards Historic Telegraph Trail, which provides incredible views of the mountains, farmland and beautiful barns and fences tucked throughout this road. (overcast so no view today!) After Telegraph Trail you have a strong downhill finish through Walnut Grove into Fort Langley . Not only does this downhill provide you with the opportunity to help your time. Once at the bottom of the 88th hill you have a quick, flat small distance to the finish line." When I first drove the course the day before I thought literally said "holy s**t" because of the hills. The uphills weren't to bad but I hadn't really trained on hills and the downhills were steep and because of my knee I have been really cautious running down hills. I was definitely thinking I had not done enough hill training. But the area was beautiful and I like that it was a loop.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4