Comments: same 1500M is a long time. At times I thought I was having a really good swim for me. At other times, I was thinking, "Damn, will this thing ever end" I thought I sighted pretty well. Only 1 time was I way off course. damn I have to learn how to swim. Transition 1
Comments: I need to work on this. Bike
Comments: felt good on bike. my drink bottles were a little "slow". they didn't feel like tops open all the way. burbed a little on the bike too. i was a little worried about the run. What would you do differently?: I think I could/should have pushed to bike a little more. Transition 2
Comments: again, need to work on this Run
Comments: two times i had side stiches. 1st time from mile 1 to 2 and the 2nd time from mile 4 to 5. wierd, pretty much at the same spot on the course. Post race
Last updated: 2008-06-22 12:00 AM
United States
HFP Racing
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 75/157
Age Group = Clydesdale 40+
Age Group Rank = 1/3
nothing major, setup trans, went the the bathroom, smoked a few cigs, chatted up with some bodies