Comments: I was just hoping for <2min per 100, and met this goal. I would like to get this down, though, to more like 1:40 per 100. Got passed by a fast woman but was able to draft her for 3 lengths. What would you do differently?: spend more time in the pool when training Transition 1
Comments: First transition in my first tri--didn't want to risk putting the shoes into the pedals. Just kind of slacked a bit, not realizing how fast those seconds add up! What would you do differently?: get on the bike and go. also would have arrived earlier to secure a spot closer to the enter/exit Bike
Comments: I went hard on this and it paid off. Felt really good about my time, and the fact that it would have still been either #1 or #2 in the next two lower age groups. Still had plenty of gas for the run. What would you do differently?: Not much. This ride felt really solid, good rhythm. Transition 2
Comments: Another abysmal transition. Not sure what took so long. I think I'll try some of those no-tie laces to shave a few seconds, otherwise I'm kind of stumped. What would you do differently?: not sure. Run
Comments: This is where it all went awry. One minute I'm following a guy with a red shirt, after a few minutes I realize that I'm now following a guy with a white shirt. Crossed the finish line and realized that I don't run a 5k that fast, and I got off-course. Told the organizers to DQ me, as I must have missed a turn or something. What would you do differently?: Watch my split instead of focusing exclusively on pace (which was really good, btw--between 7:15 and 7:45). I suppose I should pay better attention to the course markers, but I do feel like the organizers could have done a better job of making it foolproof. Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: Need to spend more time in the pool. Event comments: This was my first event, so it's hard to rate it. Overall it was okay, with just a few complaints: 1)they ran out of L and XL t-shirts; 2)race meetings that were scheduled for the day before were held right at the start of each heat, which made things seem sort of improvised; 3)run course was not well marked. I shouldn't have to worry about route-finding while doing the run--it should be obvious. Last updated: 2009-04-01 12:00 AM
United States
Riptide Multisport, LLC
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 0/