Striders Saturday Classic - Run10 Mile

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Grandville, Michigan
United States
52F / 11C
Total Time = 1h 09m 36s
Overall Rank = 34/229
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 8/15
Pre-race routine:

I was up at 5:45 and showered - ate breakfast (1 bagel, 1/2 banana) and a half a cup of coffee. It was a 35 minute ride to the venue from home so not too bad. I drank alot of water on the way over.
Event warmup:

I got to the site around 7:00 with the start at 8:00. I got registered and picked up my packet. About 7:30 I did a 10 minute jog with some strides to get loosened up. 15 minutes prior to start I took a GU and drank some water - Ready to Go!
  • 1h 09m 36s
  • 10 miles
  • 06m 58s  min/mile

As I was driving my way over to the race I was thinking about my goal time of sub 7:00 miles and thinking that was kind of out of reach. I mean my T pace is 7:25 (although based on a 10K last year). My fitness has definitely improved since then but did not know how much. The plan was to start out around 7:00 miles and see how I felt at the turnaround. The first couple miles I did glance at my garmin to judge my pace, but after mile 2 just based everything on RPE. I had never seen the course before either so did not know what to expect. As we got off the flats and into the hillier section is when i started hawking people down. I would pass lots of people on the uphills and maintain on the downhills. At the turnaround at mile 5 I was feeling very good - time to pick these people off one by one. I was not really concerned about racing other people, but just my watch, but picking people off seemed to help my time and kept me energized. So at mile 5 I picked up the pace - miles 5-7 were mainly uphill and is where I would pass a lot of people. As we got back into the flats I turned it up a bit and finished very strong. I really cannot believe i ran a 6:36 min/mile on mile 10!

mile1: 7:01
mile2: 7:22
mile3: 7:03
mile4: 6:56
mile5: 6:47
mile6: 7:08
mile7: 7:01
mile8: 6:56
mile9: 6:47
mile10: 6:36
What would you do differently?:

I could have probably started out a little faster but thats being picky.
Post race
Warm down:

water, gatoraide, bagel, bananas - I had to leave right away to move more stuff into the new house.

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

The course was open to traffic so there were a couple crazy drivers out there honking at us telling us to get off the road like 200 people are going to listen. This is just a good small local race.

Last updated: 2009-04-18 12:00 AM
01:09:36 | 10 miles | 06m 58s  min/mile
Age Group: 8/15
Overall: 34/229
Performance: Good
Course: The course was mainly on [aved country roads with 10% on gravel roads. The course was an out and back with the first 2.5 miles being fairly flat and middle 5 miles rolling with a couple challenging hills. aid stations every 2 miles.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4