Comments: Had a great swim. Started off fast and didn't let up. One woman was going stroke to stroke with me but then she ran out of gas. Not me!!!! Great swim. What would you do differently?: Nothing Transition 1
Comments: Good T1. In and out of the suit fast. Plenty of bikes left in my age group. Woo Hoo. What would you do differently?: nuthin' honey' Bike
Comments: The bike killed me. Lots of rolling hills. But thanks to my triple I handled it like a pro. Loved that people passed me on their mountain bikes then had to get off and walk while I spun up the hill! :) Also, loved passing those same mountain bike folks on the downhills hitting 38 mph. I paced myself right. It was a good bike though I still got passed a lot but not too much since my swim wave was the second to last. What would you do differently?: Pound more on the hills. Try to stay in the second ring to get some speed. Transition 2
Comments: Hot run and very hilly. Had to walk but got a great pace on the return. What would you do differently?: Nuthin' Post race
Warm down: Loved when I came to the finish line I saw my friends Marshae and Amy, and Marshae's 6-month-old son Ellis whom I call Earl cheering for me at the finish line. Marshae even made neon colored signed with my name on it. It's wonderful to see your friends cheering you on. It was fabulous. What limited your ability to perform faster: My fat butt. Event comments: First of all when I got to the transition area the bike racks weren't up. The race was held at a country club and rumor has it there was a party at the club house the night before prohibiting rack set up. Still I hated that I rushed out of bed to a transition that wasn't set up. The bike course was ridiculous something out of escape from L.A. tire remnants on the bike path, broken glass it was crazy. But there were a lot of volunteers and seeing my friends made it fun. Immediately afterward I went to eat then we went back to my house and packed and moved me to my new house. I'm beat. Going to take a nap now! Last updated: 2005-07-30 12:00 AM
United States
State Games of America
89F / 32C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Went out the night before to celebrate a friends birthday. Drank one more glass of wine than I should have. Got home at 11:30 and then woke up at 5:15 and rolled out of bed to the triathlon transition which was in my backyard not in freakin' Boulder or something! Ate 1/2 a yogurt was having serious GI issues.
Swam a little not much