Heart of the Sound Sprint Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Vashon Island, Washington
United States
USA Triathlon
65F / 18C
Total Time = 1h 57m 22s
Overall Rank = 29/52
Age Group = 20-24
Age Group Rank = 6/8
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30am, had the usual cheerios, banana and orange juice while I watched Hurricane Katrina on the weather channel. Out the door at 5am with all of the gear. Picked up Scott at 5:15 and left for the ferry. Met up with Neil and his girlfriend on the West Seattle ferry to Vashon Island. We could scope out the competition seed as 99% of the passengers had their bikes in their car and were heading over for the race just like us. A short 20 min ride across in the dark, and then a 20 min drive to Jensen park. We scoped out the hilly roads we would have to bike later.
Event warmup:

We had to park a mile away and ride in, which was a nice little warm-up. The USAT Junior Championship went before us, so we got to watch all the studly kids do their thing and get pumped up for our race. Once they were done, we set up our transition areas, went for a little warm-up jog, one last trip to the porta-potty and then I put on the new wetsuit, a workout itself.
  • 22m 25s
  • 880 yards
  • 02m 33s / 100 yards

The water was so cold, I thought my face was gonna fall off! I am so glad I had the wetsuit. I felt very buoyant and warm. My stroke wasn't affected by the suit, but the temperature definitely slowed me down. I went a little off course just to avoid congestion (and to protect my shoulder), but kept swimming the whole time. Surprisingly the salt water didn't bother me too much.
What would you do differently?:

I would push myself a little bit harder and focus on long, efficient strokes.
Transition 1
  • 02m 27s

No problem getting the wetsuit off!
What would you do differently?:

Rinse off my face and feet. The salt kind of got to me later on in the race. Put my wetsuit somewhere else, not on top of the blanket I used to spot my stuff (affected T2 quite a bit).
  • 57m 29s
  • 14.6 miles
  • 15.24 mile/hr

I have never biked so hard in my life. A few little hills at the beginning, immediately followed by a 1.2 mile hill. It seemed to never end. I kept a steady burn the whole time, knowing that the faster I went, the sooner it would be over. The downhills were awesome, reaching almost 33 mph. Then they hit us with a deceiving little steep up hill that almost brought me to a halt. Luckily I had a girl just in front to chase. Towards the end of the course, I starting thinking about getting my legs ready for the run, it was gonna be tough.
What would you do differently?:

I would have trained on a lot more hills. My muscles just weren't prepared for that kind of work.
Transition 2
  • 01m 6s

With the wetsuit on top of my american flag towel, finding my spot was difficult. I took a second, looked at the numbers and finally found my stuff. The elastic laces made it nice and easy to pull my shoes on my feet (which were asleep). Took one second to blow my nose, put on my race belt and then I was off.
What would you do differently?:

Make sure I could spot my stuff!
  • 33m 54s
  • 3.6 miles
  • 09m 25s  min/mile

The first half mile was trying to get feeling back in my feet and not let my calves cramp up, at a slow steady jog. After a delightful passing by Scott, I picked up the pace. After the next mile, the inside of my left ankle was in a lot of pain, probably from running on the angled slope of the side of the road. I kept on going, and could go a little faster towards the end.
What would you do differently?:

I would try to run on a flatter surface, and train on some hills. I would also try to push myself harder in the last half, rather than just finish.
Post race
Warm down:

Just a little jog and stretching. Then plenty of drink and food.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Probably not enough training on hills, or weight training to get the muscles ready. I also think that training in cold open water would have prepared me more.

Event comments:

I had so much fun! Being able to finish a goal I have had gives me such a feeling of accomplishment. I would not have bet on me getting to this point after dislocating my shoulder, getting mono and working on my qual exam this last winter and spring. Although I didn't feel like I was in my best shape ever, I am still proud that I stuck with the training and made it through the race. It was great to be there with Scott and Neil for their first triathlon, and I think it's got them hooked. I have planned to do the Black Diamond Olymic Triathlon at the end of September, but this will require me to really pick up on the training and I might just do the sprint distance. Anyway, it was a challenging and rewarding race that has really given me lots of motivation to keep on with it!

Last updated: 2005-08-05 12:00 AM
00:22:25 | 880 yards | 02m 33s / 100yards
Age Group: 5/8
Overall: 30/52
Performance: Good
Suit: Ironman Instinct Fullsuit
Course: Triangle course in the Quartermaster Harbor of the Puget Sound.
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 63F / 17C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Average Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Average
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:27
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
00:57:29 | 14.6 miles | 15.24 mile/hr
Age Group: 5/8
Overall: 28/52
Performance: Average
Wind: None
Course: "Rolling" hills course around the penninsula on the two lane roads.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:06
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:33:54 | 03.6 miles | 09m 25s  min/mile
Age Group: 7/8
Overall: 35/52
Performance: Below average
Course: Two laps around the Burton park on asphalt roads. Some challenging hills, and nice downhills.
Keeping cool Good Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3