Comments: The aquabikers, pros (though I think they were all aquabikers--included Dede Griesbauer), and relay swimmer (yes, only 1 relay team) went off first with the rest of us about 5min later. While the wave wasn't all that big, the swim start is fairly narrow and it was still a bit rough for the first few hundred meters. I was off to the left (close to the jetty) and the water there was quite shallow as we were at low tide. My hands easily grabbed bottom on many strokes over those same first few hundred. Once it thinned out a bit, I moved over to the right slightly in order to get some deeper water. I felt good, but it did seem to be taking a long time to get out to the turn-around buoy which was a bit beyond the end of the jetty. Once we reached the end of the jetty, we lost the protection from the wind and the surf kicked up substantially, making sighting, breathing and navigating a much tougher chore. This was the first of many times during the day where I had to remind myself to "stay in the box", as the temptation was to fight the conditions and work harder. After making the turn, it was a bit easier coming back even beyond the jetty (the tide was coming in, which probably helped). Getting back to the start was relatively uneventful. I glanced at my watch sometime near then and thought I saw 36:xx which was about what I expected to see. The second time up the jetty was less 'eventful' in terms of contact with other swimmers though I was around a few and was able to get some brief drafting opportunities. Once past the jetty the second time, the water seemed much rougher than the first and it was really tough to get to the bouy. The final leg cut diagonally through the harbor right to the Mayflower II. This was relatively rough the whole way without the protection of the jetty, but apparently the incoming tide helped to keep the speed up even though it didn't feel real great. I was constantly reminding myself to "stay in the box" during this time. At one point I had to really slow down as I felt some 'twinges' in my legs telling me I was risking a cramp. Fortunately, I was able to relax and keep them from full spasm. Reached the dock and climbed up the first ladder just behind a couple other swimmers who I had followed most of the final leg. What would you do differently?: Not much. I could have swam this faster but, for the most part, think I did a good job of staying relaxed and easy. That was the goal. Transition 1
Comments: Climed up the steep ramp from the dock (steep due to the low tide) and then jogged easy to transition while getting the top of my wetsuit off (no strippers here). My family was waiting just at the start of this run and I high-fived them all. Once I got to transition, I struggled a bit to get my wetsuit off my feet but stayed relaxed as I knew a few seconds weren't going to matter much today. I sat down to put on my socks & shoes. Put my gel flasks into my jersey pockets and donned my helmet & sunglasses. Had already applied sunscreen before the swim, but had meant to spray my neck & shoulders for good measure. Forgot about this while I was deciding whether to put on my arm warmers. Decided I was comfortable enough and with the sun still coming up, didn't think I would need them for most of the bike. I was right near the exit and just walked my bike out and over to the mount line where I unhurriedly clipped in and took off. What would you do differently?: Again, not much. I could have been (perhaps should have been) a bit faster here. But my plan was to be fairly deliberate and not make any stupid mistakes. Check. Bike
Comments: Climbed the short hill right out of transition and then immediately got aero and tried to relax my HR & breathing and focus on keeping it easy. I had ridden the circuit a few days prior to the race, so knew what to expect. There were some rolling hills, but no really tough climbing. In addition to the turn-arounds at each end of the circuit (where aid stations were), there was also one other sharp turn where you had to slow down substantially. The roads within Myles Standish State Forest were very rough in sections, but I had convinced myself it wasn't too bad after my recon ride. However, after the first loop and realizing I had 3 more trips, I knew those roads were really going to suck as the day wore on. While I was able to keep my ride effort very steady and actually rode it bit 'easier' from a power output perspective than I had planned, the rough roads probably make those numbers a bit deceiving. My body was clearly getting more fatigued simply by absorbing all road 'chatter'. The only good thing about the rough roads was that it distracted me from the winds which stayed strong throughout the day. But most of the time I only noticed them on the stretch of newly paved roads within the park (the contrast between this section and the rest of the roads was unbelievable--from some of the nicest pavement I have ever ridden on to some of the worst). I think without the wind, I would have ridden this closer to 5:25. And if that new paving had been extended throughout the course, this could easily have been a 5:15ish ride. But anyway... As far as hydration/nutrition, I only had a sip or two of water prior to reaching the circuit in the park and then began more regular 'feeding' shortly after that. My nutrition for the ride was a 900cal bottle of Infinit plus 3 gel flasks which totaled about another 900. I would pick up a new water or regular Gatorade bottle at each aid station (we passed them at the start of the circuit and at about 2/3 through). The only nutritional issue I had was a little bit of sour stomach. It may have been some salt water from the swim, but my suspicion is that it was the bouncing on the rough roads that made digestion tougher. Fortunately, I was able to work through it without any major issues. I also peed once per loop--no, I didn't stop :)--so I knew I was in better-than average shape heading into the run. The cooler temps, at least, were a very nice benefit. What would you do differently?: Maybe ride with slightly less air pressure to better absorb the bumps? Otherwise, not much. Transition 2
Comments: Came to full stop at the dismount line, got off my bike and walk/jogged it over the curb and into my rack. Turned on my Garmin (hoping it would acquire sattellites while I got the rest of my stuff). Got my helmet & shoes off and emptied my pockets. Slipped my runing shoes on. Donned my visor. Then grabbed my Garmin and race belt, putting those on as I walked/jogged out of transition. What would you do differently?: Forgot to spray myself with sunscreen again. Fortunately, I didn't get too much sun. But I would have been better off with some more on my shoulders & neck. Run
Comments: Came out of transition and almost bumped into another guy. Holy cow! He's already done a circuit!?!?! Turns out he was the leader and eventual winner, beating me by nearly an hour. Focused on trying to run easy and relaxed. Went to check my Garmin, but it was still 'acquiring' and after about 1/2 mile it asked me if I was indoors. Of course, I couldn't coordinate my button-pressing at this stage and I guess I answered 'yes'. So, from then on I had my Garmin operating as a stopwatch (meaning I could have left my original watch on!). Pacing seemed good, but I had a couple early miles in the low-7s which were much faster than I wanted at that point. Consciously backed-off by letting the leader (who I had pulled even with during that time) gradually pull away from me. Generally, my pace stayed fairly steady through the first 3 circuits. Since the circuit itself was fairly small, you got to see people frequently and I had a few 'running' conversations with people as we would pass one another on the course. This really helped keep things fun for me. It also helped to keep my mind from wandering 'too far ahead'. Still, there were more than a few occasions when I had to get myself to 'stay in the box'. At mile 18, I reminded myself that NOW the race begins. This is when I need to hang tough and git 'er done. Several times, I was tempted to walk a bit, but used the git 'er done whip to keep me running. Of course, as the miles wore on, my running slowed down substantially. I couldn't even really tell it was happening except by checking my splits. Because of the way the circuit ran, we passed aid stations more frequently than every mile. Still, I only declined taking something a few times. Stayed with GE early and tried to do 1 Hammer gel with water about every 3-4 miles. By about mile 18, I went mostly with Coke. Jack, Emma & Sarah ran towards me as I came into the final chute right near Plymouth Rock (if you've never seen it, it's more like a large stone at this point). I thought Jack might join me, but he and Emma ran alongside outside the fence. With maybe 50m left, I told them "Let's go" and gave what I had left for a "sprint" finish. I really couldn't have been much happier. What would you do differently?: Maybe a bit slower during a couple of those first few miles. Might have allowed me to hold up a better pace over the last few. Hard to say for sure, though. I was very close to what I expected to be able to do. Had simply 'hoped' I wouldn't slow down quite as much as I did. But I kept running and got 'er done. Also, loosen my timing chip when I felt it 'rubbing' my ankle. It ended up digging through all my skin and was a bloody mess at the finish (first time I actually looked down at it). Post race
Warm down: Alternated walking (or some reasonable facsimile) and sitting. Had some food and then went for ice cream with my family (had a vanilla shake--yum). The kids left with my in-laws and I went out for coffee with Kath before coming back, cheering in some more finishers and chatting with some others. Got my award and headed home. What limited your ability to perform faster: Perhaps early run pacing. Perhaps could have 'dug deeper' over last few miles. But I feel I did about as well as I could on the day and executed reasonably well. Some more time consistently training will get me faster. I believe I may be able to go sub-10 one day. I believe I will see the Kona coast on some October morning in the future. :) Event comments: The only thing preventing me from giving this race a '5' is the road conditions on the bike course. If they can get those roads paved better (not necessarily up to the level of the beautifully paved portion they already have), they would have a great race on their hands. (I said as much to the RDs in an e-mail and they indicated they are already working on this for next year, so there is hope.) In that case I would do it again, without question. I would probably do it again anyway. Last updated: 2009-05-27 12:00 AM
United States
Fast Forward Race Management
63F / 17C
Overall Rank = 4/91
Age Group = M40-44
Age Group Rank = 1/13
Awoke a little before 4am. Had two Ensure Plus, a banana, Clif bar and some coffee. Headed out just after 5am and arrived in Plymouth a little before 6am. Got everthing set up in transition and hopped on a bus sometime after 6:30 to take us up to the swim start.
Um...I'm going to be racing for over 10 hours. I can warm-up when the race starts.