Comments: wave starts i have no issues with the waves or getting past them. swimming along and trying not to suck the pacific ocean dry. i am fine in the water, but i need to work on not drinking so much. make it out to the first left hand turn and the kelp bed starts. it is 600 yards across and i swam right through it. it was thick in some places and i got severely entangled. i didnt panick, just tried to swim through it. finally maed it to the turn home i was getting tired but i was going to make. luckily going back into shore is with the current so that helped. not the fastest 1000 yards in the world but i emerged out of the water with a smile. What would you do differently?: more ow swims. just get faster in the water. Transition 1
Comments: ran back to the transition area, rinsed off the feet, got the socks on, shoes shirt and glasses. i did get a pair of tri shorts that fit great and were very comfortable. got bike there was a steep hill that you encounter coming out of the transistion area. some rode i decided to run up the hill and get on the bike. saw my family waved and smiled. What would you do differently?: i think that i did ok for my first time. i didnt practice transistions so there has to be room for improvement. Bike
Comments: got going on the bike it was flat and fast, i looked down and i was doing 24mph but the first roller slowed that down. i couldnt get the salt water taste out of my mouth. got a drink of water and then i lost my water bottle only abou two miles into the ride. not a problem i thought it was overcast and cool, but i did get thirsty towards the end. it was two laps, but the lasdt lap was into a slight headwind and the legs still felt good when i got back into the transition area. What would you do differently?: have two water bottles on the bike might help. get more aero-i tend to ride mostly on the brake hoods and not the dropouts. Transition 2
Comments: hit t2 found my rack-got my hat on shoes on. a quick drink and lets go. What would you do differently?: not much Run
Comments: so the end is in sight. i tweaked my knee on monday and it was sore most of the week. i did run three miles on friday night on the track. so i was confident i would finish. the first part in down the boardwalk then up a hill and then you are out on the street. i would run 2 min\walk 1 min as much as i could. when i hit the turn around point you are at mile 2, so i new the race was almost over. i walked for about four minutes and then realit set in-i am going to finish this race so i ran the rest of the way back to the finish line. i did become a triathlete today. What would you do differently?: avoid knee injuries. Post race
Warm down: got a couple bottles of ice cold water-that tasted great. found my family and they were happy to see me. What limited your ability to perform faster: lose a few more pounds. swim faster and avoid the kelp bed, run faster and harded. Event comments: great race lots of volunteers and well organized. Last updated: 2009-05-28 12:00 AM
United States
City of Carlsbad
66F / 19C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
this was my first triathlon. not sure of what to expect, but i wasnt nervous. drove down to carlsbad yesterday to pick up my registration packet. the person checking my in didnt believe that i was a clyde and wanted to put me in my age group. but i showed her that wave 6 is cyldes and the men 60+. so i was good. drove by the starting area to see where to go sunday morning. hung out with my family, ate a good dinner of shrimp tacos, and was was in bed by 11pm. i wasnt nervous, slept well and was up at 6:15am. since we were staying about a mile from the start my wife dropped me off about 6:50.
found the bike rack for my wave. set up took about 10 minutes, stretched, talked to a few people, still wasnt nervous.the start was a 10 min walk up the beach so i headed up there got in the water, tasted that yummy salt water, and swam for about 5 minutes. the first was at 8:00am, and mine went off at 8:25 so i waited. when the wave before mine went off the relity set in. not nerves but i was happy that i was standing there about to do the race.