Nevada Police and Fire Games - Time Trial - Cycle

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Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Nevada Police Athletic Federation
Total Time = 37m 22s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Pre-race prayer vigil, for race coordinator Don Albeitz, who had died a couple of weeks prior from injuries from a hit and run while riding.
Event warmup:

Short ride to loosen up the legs and some stretching.
  • 37m 22s
  • 12 miles
  • 19.27 mile/hr

Race #3 of 5.

Riders were started at one minute intervals. The course started in the area where Don had been struck by the semi, and finished in Blue Diamond. Mostly downhill with headwind.Passed none, but was passed by many. Took Silver Medal for age division.
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster:

Experience...I don't bike race. bike isn't set up very aero. Not used to multiple races.

Event comments:

Not the fastest in the group, but I've been having a good time.

Last updated: 2005-08-20 12:00 AM
00:37:22 | 12 miles | 19.27 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
HR: Avg: 124 Max: 110
Wind: Headwind
Course: Highway near Blue Diamond
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5]