Broad Street Ramble - Run

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Augusta, Georgia
United States
Augusta Striders
93F / 34C
Total Time = 57m 42s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up around 6am. I had a crazy race dream last night which really freaked me out. I had a dream that I was doing a tri, and didn't have my stuff ready to take it to transition. I almost missed the shuttle, couldn't find my gels to pack, and didn't have water bottles. I decided to get water bottles at the expo, later to find out there was no expo and I'd have to go wihtout water bottles on the bike. I was so happy to wake up and realize it was just a dream- or should I say, nightmare.

Got dressed, at a slice of wheat bread with low fat peanut and a 1/2 sliced bananna. I didn't sleep well though and was pretty tired- wasn't feeling the whole race environment. Before we left (me and TriComet), Tricomet was trying to figure out which race outfit to wear. She had on her blue Nike outfit, but also had a pink one. Our pre-race conversation consisted of which outfit she should wear. I suggested that she wer the pink one just because I like pink. She thought pink might be too girly, but I somehow convinced her to wear pink when I told her that pink is a shade of red, and as we all know, red is fast. So she quickly changed. Our pre race conversatin consisted of various topics such as" chaffing, runner's trots, gel preferences, etc. Oh wait- and of course, cute tri guys!! On the way to the car, I grabbed some cd's to play DJ int he car for some great pre-race music. My music selection consisted of Gun's and Roses "Sweet Child O' Mine" and some Beastie Boys. Sorry- I had to bust out the old school stuff- it's the best!! Had to stop at the gas station- Tricomet needed to get a Coke before the race. We got to the race and I went to pick up my BIB # and packet- well, we didn't get a packet at this race. Just our BIB # and t-shirt (it was a small local race- that's just how Augusta is) and they didn't have me registered. I had mailed my entry forma dn check in about 2 weeks prior to the race, so I don't know why they didn't get it. It wasn't a problem- they took my info and gave me a BIB # (it was that easy- I guess that's an advantage of living in a small town).
Event warmup:

None- just exercised my jaws by seeing a bunch of friends. I impressed TriComet that I knew so many people- again, the advantage of living in small town! I ate 1/4 of my snickers marathon bar, and took some sips of Gatorade. I was ready to run- wasn't really nervous. I met up with my friend who I had planned on running with. We are the same pace which was good.
  • 57m 42s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 09m 17s  min/mile

I felt comfortable with my pace. My goal was to run between a 9:10 and 9:15 pace. According to my times/calcs, I ran a 9:17 pace. Right where I wanted to be. My legs were fine, never got tight or tired. I should have tried to run faster, but in all honesty I had no desire to push myself more. The run was boring for me even though I ran with 2 friends and we talked the whole time. There weren't a lot of spectators along the course and it was REALLY hot. I know I looked like a tri geek. but I was so glad that I wore my visor and sunglasses- I really needed them! And...there was no music before the race to pump us up or afterwards.
What would you do differently?:

They had 3 water stops along the course. I was really thirsty and wish I would have carried my own fluids. I took a gel at mile 3, but I neeeded some smarties or something (I usually pop a few of those to help) because I was starting to fade toward the end. I also wish I would have gotten more sleep last night as well as the week before the race- that would have helped.
Post race
Warm down:

Got some gatorade after the race, hung out and watched friends finish. I checked the results- they just had our names and place posted, but not times. I looked and didn't see my name. And then I checked for my BIB #- I was listed under "unknown" due to the registration issue. I felt so unimportant at that point being called unknown. I would have rather been called "Jane Doe" as a preference over "unknown". Stayed for the awards ceremony since some of my friends placed. Got scroched int he sun- it was really hot and I dind't even think to put on my sunblock. I didn't get burned, but my running tank/shorts tan lines are even more prominent now. I went with a group of friends to eat breakfast at our favorite breakfast place. I ate a ham/cheese omelte with egg whites only, and a small cup of cheese grtis- yum. Oh yeah- I also had 2 cups of coffee because I was trying to wake up- I was still really tired. I stopped by the bike hsop on my way home- my bike was all painted and I stopped by to see it. It's beautiful- some magenta, black and green. I was very pleased with it and will be picking it up on Monday when it's ready- the paint still kind of had to dry some. Got home, showered, started to create this race report for the first time, when I received a SOS call from Comet. Detials to follow- stay tuned for Comet's soon to be posted thread regarding this traumatic drama and dilema.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The heat, not drinking enough, sleep deprivation. I syaed up last nght to see the interview of Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow on 20/20. Of course they didn't show the interview until the middle part of the show! And...worse part, it was mostly an interview with Sheryl and discussing her past relationships issues and her stardom. Totally not what I wanted to see. To me, it was a waste of time to stay up for it and I was disappointed that I gave up 30-45 mins. of sleep to watch it!

Event comments:

I wasn't too thrilled to run this race even though I beat my time from year. Last year I ran a 9:27 pace, and this year was 9:17 min/mile. I was happy that I met my goal time, but not overly excited because I was so tired. In a way I wish I had specifically trained for this and ran it faster. But I was glad that I could incorporate this race into my 1/2 IM training.

Last updated: 2005-08-21 12:00 AM
00:57:42 | 06.21 miles | 09m 17s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
My splits were the following: mile 1 =9:08 mile 2= 9:20 mile 3= 9:36 mile 4= 9:02 mile 5= 9:18 mile 6= 9:37 .2 miles= 1:37 Unofficial time from my watch= 57:42
Course: The course was pretty much flat, out and back. We ran ont he road and concrete. There was one long, steady, gradual incline from about mile 2.5 -3 miles that slowed my down. At the top of the hill there was a water stop, and a took a gel there. The course was slightly downhill from mile 3 until the end. I saw Tricomet running as I was nearing the top of hill and she was on her way back. I yelled to her- she didn't hear me at first, I think it was becasue she was in the "zone".
Keeping cool Bad Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Bad
Race evaluation [1-5] 2