Comments: ugh. I so suck at swimming. On the other hand, this was my 5th swim all year. What would you do differently?: maybe train. maybe. Transition 1
Comments: Nothing exciting here. Bike
Comments: Felt like I was really struggling on the bike, yet, I know I can do way better than my speed! What would you do differently?: train more. 9/39 AG is good for me though Transition 2
Comments: not bad, could be better Run
Comments: I tore my soleus maybe 2 mos ago, and have only rehabbed up to 17 mins of running prior to this. And amazingly, I had no pain on this run! I was thrilled with that. Anyway, decent run, but that uphill about killed me. What would you do differently?: no injuries. Post race
Warm down: ate food, hung out with the family and friends. What limited your ability to perform faster: injuries, lack of training. also I don't think I really know how to race something this short. I don't put myself in enough pain. Event comments: This was a first year race...a few kinks, but really they did a nice job. I think it will be even better next year. Last updated: 2009-06-24 12:00 AM
United States
Redline Races
80F / 27C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 11/39
Got up, felt nauseous, had 1/2 of my breakfast. The race was close to home, rode my bike to the race
not much. I wanted to warm up, but I didn't start until 7:40. Couldn't get in the pool to warm up as it was a pool-swim tri, didn't want to run b/c of my torn soleus and the bike was in transition. So nothing!