Louisville Legacy Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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Louisville, Colorado
United States
85F / 29C
Total Time = 2h 01m 6s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = M25-29
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 4:30, ate cereal with strawberries and drank some gatorade. Drove to the parking lot and rode about half a mile to the event.
Event warmup:

Walked, jogged a little and stretched
  • 15m 59s
  • 547 yards
  • 02m 55s / 100 yards

I had a good swim, I felt in control and I thought I was on pace for 18 minutes and note 16, however when I got to what I thought was 2 laps to go they said one so I thought I maybe miscounted. Because I estimated 20 minutes and finished in 16 there was a disqualification if you finished 2 minutes faster than your predicted time. Was officially disqualified for finishing too fast
What would you do differently?:

Trust my own lap count and if I was wrong, do another lap for this one race with penalties for swimming
Transition 1
  • 01m 55s

Thought I did fairly okay on this transition
What would you do differently?:

larger socks, I had a sock pair that was too small.
  • 1h 00m 35s
  • 15 miles
  • 14.86 mile/hr

That hill stinks but it was also the uphill on the back side of the loop that slowed me down more
What would you do differently?:

Need to work on my biking since it's the worst area where I lost the most time
Transition 2
  • 02m

Could be better and I had trouble getting one shoe unclipped
What would you do differently?:

Two areas to improve, put yanks on the shoes and remember to lay everything out. I forgot to put my energy gel out so I had to reach into my bag
  • 40m 39s
  • 4.5 miles
  • 09m 02s  min/mile

The easiest part of the three for more. Slowed down a little for each mile but felt okay.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, had some fruit

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

Good race, except for officially disqualifying, and I will do it next year

Last updated: 2005-08-29 12:00 AM
00:15:59 | 547 yards | 02m 55s / 100yards
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Indoor pool, circle
Start type: Inside Pool Plus:
Water temp: 82F / 28C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 01:55
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: No
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Below average
01:00:35 | 15 miles | 14.86 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Bad
Wind: None
Course: 4 loop course starting with a slight down and then right to the major uphill. After that it was a slow downhill until a big downhill with a right turn on the bottom. Last part was a slight up hill back to the start. 4 laps total
Road: Smooth  Cadence:
Turns: Below average Cornering: Bad
Gear changes: Average Hills: Below average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 02:00
Overall: Below average
Riding w/ feet on shoes Bad
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Bad
00:40:39 | 04.5 miles | 09m 02s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4