Comments: I am getting much better at this swimming business! So much improvement, yet still so far to go! What would you do differently?: I would relax and control my breathing so that I can use the wall to my advantage on turns. This is where I kept getting passed, which would in turn psych me out and make me tense up. Transition 1
Comments: A slow start due to toe clips (again). They were pulled tight like the last time, and I could not squeeze my feet into them. I had to stop to fix it. Bike
Comments: Lots of hills, and not enough water! What would you do differently?: Bring my camelbak. I hate reaching down for the water bottle. It slows me down and makes me wobble a bit. Transition 2
Comments: Woo hoo! I got 3rd place for this transition! Run
Comments: Rolling hills What would you do differently?: Drink more water on the bike Post race
Warm down: I recovered very quickly What limited your ability to perform faster: Not enough sleep (high school reunion the night before) and not enough water. I feel I did my best, what with the hills and all. This was my forst tri that was not on a flat course. Naturally, this made my times slower than previously. Event comments: I loved the a capella group singing by the water station! Very cute! Last updated: 2009-07-20 12:00 AM
United States
Redline Races
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 20-29
Age Group Rank = 12/22
My alarm didn't go off! My routine was way off. I ended up drinking my oatmeal from a commuter mug on the way to the race, which was alittle repulsive. I got my transition area set up in minutes.
No opportunity to warm up in the water, so I stretched.