![]() Swim
Comments: Wow, this couldn't have been a worse start. I was late to the beach due to bathroom stop and waiting for Greg to finish his swim to give him his Garmin. Got the beach 2 mintues before wave went off. I rushed so much that I put my wetsuit on backwards! I yanked it off and turned it rightside out and started to put it back on. I had 30 seconds before horn sounded. One of the officials came up to me and said to just take it easy. A minute or two isn't going to kill me. That calmed me down instantly and he help me zip up. I walked into the water, got my goggles wet and my face for a good seal. By that time the group was about 50-100 yards out. I took off and was catching the group after a few minutes. The swim went very well. I was confidant and was passing a lot of people. Wound up passing half of my group. I could have pressed it but I wasn't aggresive enough to pass. I slowed down or tried to go around. One thing that was tough was on the inbound leg the sun was reflecting off the water, making it hard to spot the bouys. My sighting was good though. Got out well enough and headed for T1. The wetsuit strippers were great! What would you do differently?: Where do I start. Get to start a minimum of 30 minutes before.I had to rush my gel and suit. The only positive is that I didn't have time to get nervous! I was very confident for the swim. More practice and I'll get faster. Can't wait for next race. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: The run from the swim exit to transition was on asphalt and a good couple hundred yards. My heels started to hurt as I got to the bike. Very tender tonight as I sit here typing. Got my helmet, shirt, shoes and socks on without problem. Had a looong run to bike out. Got on the bike no prob. What would you do differently?: Maybe a disposable set of flip flops for the run to T1. ![]() Bike
Comments: WINDY! The wind conditions were brutal. It took a lot more effort and I think that affected my run. There were two inbound legs that were right into the wind. I need to work on better planning and execution of the nutrition. I was passing a number of people. Was a good bike but as always could be better. What would you do differently?: Just work on cycling. Would like to get into a more aero position for windy days like this. I'm more like a brick wall going into the wind. I'm a big target. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Had a long run back to rack my bike. Nothing bad about running in cleats, just annoying. Some guys went running by in their socks. This was a pretty quick transition. I took a couple Clif shot blocks on the way out. What would you do differently?: I don't know if I'll change to tri shoes for the bike to get out of quick. Running barefoot on the pavement hurst, so I'd have to build up my feet for that. I think I can get quicker with practice. Just trying to be thorough right now. ![]() Run
Comments: This was a tough run. Went out from transition feeling good, then a half mile into it I was feeling both my hamstrings about to go. I had problems with them throughout the entire run. Made it miserable. Everytime I tried to go faster they would start to cramp. I had to stop a number of times to stretch. The first 3 miles they loosened up and I felt good, but the last 3.6 were tough. Had to walk a lot. Really disappointed. My overall pace, however, is consitent with my training runs for that distance. What would you do differently?: More training and better hydration. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Sat down after the finish and then got some pizza and coke with Melissa. I had to be careful about how I moved because I was still cramping bad. Wow, that pizza tasted good! They had massages available but I didn't get one. What limited your ability to perform faster: Overall fitness basically. This is my first year doing endurance sports so I have a long way to go. Just building my base. Event comments: Well, for being my first Olympic distance race I think overall I did well. I passed a bunch of people on bike but got passed by a bunch on the run. Shows where I need more improvement. Had a great time and can't wait for more. Last updated: 2009-07-25 12:00 AM
United States
South Florida Triathlon Series
Overall Rank = 348/622
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 45/67
Got to bed early but tossed and turned for and hour and half. Fell asleep around 11. Woke up around 3am to noise from the next room. Got up finally at 5. Earplugs next time. We had breakfast at the hotel. Had a couple pieces of toast, some juice and a bowl of cereal. I think some more nutrition was in order. I'm used to a bigger breakfast for a shorter workout.
Did not do any warmup on race day. Need to change this for next year. Prob was that the transition closed an hour before the international start. My right achilles and left thigh were still stiff from crash yesterday. What a time for my first crash. Was coming back in from a short ride with Bill and Greg. Entering the parking area, Bill came to a stop, I thought we were going to ride right in. I slowed, went to unclip and bam!, hit the lip of the asphalt road and stopped cold. Racked myself on the bars and then fell over. The sprocket dug into my achilles and gave me 3 nice puncture wounds. Left thigh had a nice charlie horse from falling onto Bill's bike.