Comments: Happy with the swim. I know I could have gone under 23min. But am happy with the results. I guess next time I need to find someone just a bit faster to draft off of. Also I don't think that DeSoto suit is very good for swimming as it catches water at the neck line. What would you do differently?: I would start off swimming a little faster in the first 200M to get away from the crowd a little faster. That may have allowed me to draft off of the faster swimmers. Transition 1
Comments: T1 was just ok. I did go out of my way and tell the girls good swim, the one I drafted off of. Other than that I was thinking I needed to do something else or was missing something before I got on my bike. I also had a little bit of trouble locating my bike. but nothing major, only cost me a few seconds that is all. Bike
Comments: bike felt good, HR was elevated. I am not used to biking at that HR for that long a period of time. It didn't bother me but it seemed like I was not pushing many watts and my HR was not settling down. It did settle down some but again this is a shorter race and the HR will be high. I ran out of water before the 1/2 point of the bike. I took a small bottle for the bike race and it wasn't enough as I was partially dehydrated from the swim. I also took a small bottle to sip on before the race. But I think that because I went last wave I was not properly hydrated. Also they didn't have water at the turnaround. I think I could easily have gone 1:01 on that ride with water. What would you do differently?: take a regular sized water bottle on the bike next time and take a regular sized bottle to T1 Transition 2
Comments: the only bad thing was that I put my shoes on and started to run and noticed that my shoes had rocks in them so I had to go back to my T2 spot and take the shoes off and take the rocks out from between my toes. What would you do differently?: nothing. Run
Comments: Well I came out of T2 and I developed a bad side ache. It seemed like I wasn't even running 8min/mile pace for the first 3 miles or so. I am sure I was running that slow and my HR had settled from the slow pace. It took me about 1 mile to pass Tom as he came out only about 20 yds infront of me in T2 he ran a 47:27 and he said he was tight coming out of T2. Well at about the 3 mile mark the side ache got a little better. It didn't go away but it didn't feel as bad. So I started pushing the pace and was running at about 172bpm. I pretty much held that pace all up the hills and it was funny as I thought I was climbing so slow but I was passing people. Once it flattened out I realized I was running fast. I finished strong and fast but that was due to the fact that for the first half of the race I was running probably 8min/pace and that was slightly down hill! What would you do differently?: I don't think I could do anything different. If I didn't have a side ache I have no doubt that I could have run 40min maybe 39. happy with my run considering the side ache. Post race
Warm down: I went into the lake to soak and stretch and then I got a massage. What limited your ability to perform faster: Well the not taper didn't help also I was supposed to do accelerations on Saturday but they ended up turning into short intervals on both the bike and the run as I felt really strong. I didn't feel too bad after the bike intervals but when I backed them up with the run intevals all going up hill in prep for the race I did feel my legs tired. I think that without the side ache I would have easily broken 2:10 and tapered and rested and with enough water on the bike I could go maybe 2:07. Event comments: They should have had water at the turn around! Last updated: 2009-08-25 12:00 AM
United States
Pelican Coast Events
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 0/
got up and got some calories in me, I don't remember what I ate. but probably some powerbars and or muffins not sure.
I actually did a good warm up run with Max. I don't think I have ever done that before a race. But it was good since we went last wave.