Comments: Top 10% overall and 11% in my AG. I thought I would have been higher but I guess not. It was a very good swim and I beat my time of 23:27 from 2008 and that was with a Wetsuit. I drafted the entire way down which was nice but at the buoy hot too many slower swimmers and lost my draft. Swim felt good and my breathing was not labored, My stroke felt smooth and was one of my best swims in terms of time and feel. What would you do differently?: Nothing. I think I nailed the swim and gave it the right amount of energy. I could have gone a little faster but at what price? Transition 1
Comments: Last year I did a 2:17 so I knokced off about 38 seconds. This is the first time I did not out my shoes on and kept them clipped in and then put them on when on the bike. Worked out well. What would you do differently?: I did run by my spot. I really ned to practice running up to my spot before the race to get more acquainted of where I am. This cost me about 5-10 seconds. Bike
Comments: I am most proud of how I did on the Bike. My hardest effort to data and my AHR was 155. I beat my time from last year (1:13) by about 7 minutes. Race pace could have been a little harder but it was a hard effort. Bike has been my weakness and LY I was 29 in my AG and 153 OA so making progress for sure. I made sure to drink this time and I timed everything well. More frequent smaller sips worked well for me. I used Infinit. Three guys passed me in the last mile which was a little disheartening but I felt I might be able to pass them on the run. Lots of drafting going on. I did not draft but defintely got close to the person in front of me before passing to get a little sling shot effect. I knew I was doing well because I kept up my pacing with Mike Speigel from NOVA, at least for the first 60% of the race and then he kicked it in. Rode the hills well and passed most people going up the last two hills. I took off all of my waterbottle holders and only went with my Aerobottle. The P2C looked sleek and fast. It was ok only going with the Infinit and no water. What would you do differently?: Work on going a little harder. I would have liked to seen AHR closer to 160. I might have gone faster with Race Wheels but did not rent any this year. Transition 2
Comments: I beat LYs time by about 9 seconds and I put on socks this year at T2 versus T1 LY. Rode with feet on top of shoes and kpt shoes on bike. What would you do differently?: Nothing. Good time. Run
Comments: Considering I had not run for three weeks due to PF, I was thrilled with my time and effort. I forgot the first hill is rather long and goes thorugh some soft dirt. Last year I hammered up Vista Del Lago and this year I kept a steady pace which I think helped me in the end. I passed 2-3 guys in my AG gong up Del Lago (both Jaime Chriss and Sergio Borges - a former Pro). Again, you tend to forget that after you turn off Vista Del Lago it still continues uphill for a while. Came down and hit Margaurette where I saw my Coach and buddy Larry Davidson who was giving out a ton of encouragement to me (which really helped) I could hear him even after I passed and it really gave me a boost. Coming back up at the turnaround I notice one of the guys I passed in my AG was right on my butt. One small roller left and then at the Top Lar Dog and Kari were yelling at me and then some guy ssid, "it is all down-hill from here." That and the encouragement from my buddies were all I needed and I kicked it in gear knowing that guy was right bedind me. I could feel him kick it in as well so we had a sprint finish going on for the last .75 miles. Took the turn down Olympiad and then into the Lake and I could hear the guy behind me and feel him. It was my Olympics and I was going to give it all I had. One last left turn and then it was down the shoot. Turbo mode and arms and legs were moving, the whole time I am thinking don't pass out but I was not feeling that way at all. Saw my wife Stacy and my Mom and just 20 more yards and YES! I held on and beat what turned out to be Sergio by 4 seconds. I felt great and my effort resulted into my highest place yet in a Tri and my most balanced of the three diciplines. What would you do differently?: Do the course preview which I was not able to do due to my PF. More ruuning the last few weeks but again, due to PF was not able to do this. Maybe it helped me? Post race
Warm down: None. I walked around and cheered my friends in and found my wife and mom and my buddies Quinton and Ron who has run and done a tremendos job. I saw LAr-Dog and Kari and cheered Fabi when she came in. It was a great day. What limited your ability to perform faster: Plantar Fascitas. Had a tad bit of a cold. It was nice end of the year race. My training was not on nor as consistent as earlier in the year but that was ths same LY. Just two hard for me with Soccer and the many other items that my family is involved in. Event comments: Good race. I wish they had a water station for the Bike at the turnaround but other than that, very good race. I also like the new run course with the finish at the lake. Last updated: 2009-09-21 12:00 AM
United States
Pelican Coast Events
78F / 26C
Overall Rank = 76`/730
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 5/52
Showered (yes, I know this may be stupid but it just gets me in the right frame of mind). For breakfast, made a small amount of oatmeal with a banana. Lightly stretched and headed off the race.
Got set-up and then went for a jog and then stretched. Did 3-4 10 yard sprints. I did a nice swim warm-up which I have never done before. I would say that I swam 200-350 yards before my start. Felt good.