Comments: Went well the first mile, but slowed during mile 2. Finally warmed up in mile 3, but started dogging it in mile 4-5. Took my gels too late. Mile 6 to the end was actually good. What would you do differently?: Run the day before. Post race
Warm down: Walked around, stretched a little. What limited your ability to perform faster: Not running the day before probably was a detriment. Was I overtrained or not primed? I wish I could solve this! Event comments: This actually sucked. I really believed that I'd beat my time of 54:58 last year. I didn't have a gel before the race and probably should have had one in mile 2 instead of waiting to mile 3.5. I felt great at the end, which means the last 2 gels kicked in too late. I have to learn to push myself a bit harder through the middle of the race instead of settling in to an "easy" pace. Last updated: 2009-10-16 12:00 AM
United States
25F / -4C
Overall Rank = 946/1546
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 99/119
Eat, drink, be merry
Ran about 3 minutes