Gillem Gallop - Run5k

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Ft. Gillem, Georgia
United States
Ft. Gillem
55F / 13C
Total Time = 17m 19s
Overall Rank = 2/200 ?
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/?
Pre-race routine:

Hung out and talked to Doug D. We talked about our races at Augusta 70.3 and his race at "The Great Floridian"...
Event warmup:

Jogged in place, stretched, and talked. I didn't run b/c I didn't want to aggravate my IT band.
  • 17m 19s
  • 3.01 miles
  • 05m 45s  min/mile

Ft. Gillem Gallop 5K. Fun race that started at Stephen's Lake and went around the wooded areas of Ft. Gillem.

Large presence of military police (perhaps b/c of Ft. Hood incident?).

At the start, the Deputy Commander of Ft. Gillem asked all the "fast" runners to go to the front. We were to follow the Military Police escort around the course. Everyone kept commenting to me that I shouldn't pass it, or I'd be disqualified. :)

I measured up the runners at the front. I knew a few of them. One in particular had beat me (in June) at the Army Hooah 10K. Major Walter. We were next to each other. Bob Dalton, the 55 year old running machine, was also next to me. He runs low 6 minute miles no matter what the distance. 5K or above, you can count on him holding that average. Amazing man.

At the start, the Major took off. I think he wanted to win the race in the first mile. I decided right then that I was going to give him a run for his money. Everyone fell back and it was just him and I. I'm pretty sure that by the 1 mile mark, we were at least 20 seconds ahead of everyone else. I stuck to him like glue.

I noticed that at the first big hill (of 2), he really started to hurt. At this point, I overtook him and continued to run hard. I started to put some distance between him and I and got a little confident.

Lots of small hills/rollers and I'd push up them. I could tell he was breathing harder and harder. I thought to myself, "I've got him!"

At around the 2.25 mile area, he caught back up to me, then passed me. I couldn't believe it. I was really surprised that he had that much left in him. I hung with him for a short distance, but then fell back maybe 4 seconds.

Towards the end, we had one more big hill to climb and I made my move. I started to run harder, stopped breathing hard, and came up right on him. It surprised the heck out of him! I had crept up on him by upping pace and reducing my breath intake (to stay quiet). I was right next to him with less than a quarter mile to go, but then just felt the energy leave my legs...I had nothing left. I did notice that for the rest of the way in, he kept looking over his shoulder. :)

The Major does not have a strong kick (or so he told me later), but he surged ahead of me and beat me by 9 seconds. I crossed the finish line, then went right over to him and shook his hand and congratulated him. "Nice race, sir! Thanks for pushing me during the entire race!"

We talked a little about the race and he told me that he noticed when I stopped breathing loud, then appeared right next to him. Good strategy...IF you can get enough O2 into your lungs while keeping quiet. :)

I almost had him....
What would you do differently?:

Nothing...strong run, especially since I have not been training for over a month.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around for a minute, drank some water, then went and got my Tshirt. I cheered for the rest of the ppl I knew. Bob Dalton came in a little over 18 minutes, I believe. Franscisco and Doug came in a little after 20? Can't remember.

The awards were pretty cool and low key. I was given 1 AG for 30-39 age group. They only went one deep on the OA award.

Our team won the Team Award. Nice!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of training. Since I developed IT band issues end of September, I have reduced my running by almost 60%. The month of October, I ran a total of 32 miles.

Event comments:

Nice little race for the military community.

Last updated: 2009-10-31 12:00 AM
00:17:19 | 03.01 miles | 05m 45s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/?
Overall: 2/200 ?
Performance: Good
I forgot to bring my Garmin. :(
Course: Course had a lot of rolling hills. Two of the hills were significant, but nothing like the hills at the Douglasville 5K from 2 weeks prior. According to a few ppl, course was 3.01 miles long. I also talked to RD(?) and he ack'd that course was short by a little less than 0.1 miles.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4