![]() Swim
Comments: Was nervous and excited rolling down the ramp to the swim start. Even though it was a TT start, the water was crowded as we started far in the back. It took 30 minutes for us to get in the water, so there were plenty of folks in front of me. I would have thought I could have found someone to draft off of but I didn't have that luck. As it was, I was strangely calm and strong throughout the swim. No bouts of coughing, as I sometimes get in a swim, and no cramping issues. I did find a pair of goggles before I made it around the island; I felt bad for whoever lost those. It was a long swim for someone! What would you do differently?: Get in line earlier. We had planned to try that but a flat tire in transition prevented that from occurring. My swim time was still 7 minutes faster that I had expected, so I have little to complain about here. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: No real issues in T1. Had my bag quickly and the change was pretty easy. What would you do differently?: Not really sure. I may have shaved a minute off the time but I wanted to make sure that I got everything in my pockets and was set before I left the tent. ![]() Bike
Comments: I felt pretty good on the bike. I think that, with a little better preparation, I could shave 30 minutes or so off this time but I'm okay with it. There was a LOT of traffic on the course in the form of other bikes. It was frustrating on some of the downhill portions when I was trying to carry some speed I found other riders pulling out in front of me without any concern for faster traffic causing me to brake quickly and lose much of the momentum that I had to carry me up the next hill. As has been previously mentioned, there were a couple of aid stations that ran out of water & powerade, which was more than a little frustrating. I made it through, though. I was concerned about the bike and making sure that I "avoided" mechanical failure. I knew that this would be the only thing that would prevent me from finishing the race. What would you do differently?: If I could have completed more training through the Peak training phase, I would have been better able to meet the 6:00 goal that I had originally set. Surgery to remove a birthmark, and the resulting 34 stitches, prevented that from occurring. It's part of the journey to the line but a little frustrating b/c I think I could have gone faster. The flip side of that is that I am cancer-free, so I really can't complain. Cancer v. a slower race time: not really much of a choice. I'll accept the slower time, knowing that I will go faster next time. (Yes, I said it! NEXT TIME!) ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Was a little slower here but I did the full kit change. It was important to me to put on everything dry: shorts, shirt, socks, etc. It didn't prevent blisters but I felt better at the start of the run. What would you do differently?: Not much. If I didn't do the full change and went only with the top and socks I could have shaved a couple of minutes off. I may do this next time but I wanted to go this route for my 1st. ![]() Run
Comments: The run was good for the 1st ~5-6 miles. I was following a 4:1 run/walk ratio and was handling it well. Somewhere in the 5-6 mile range, my knees let me know that their day was done. They wanted to stop and have a beer at the nearest watering hole and take the rest of the day off. While that offer was tempting, I was going to finish the race. So I made a deal with the knees: Hang on for another 20 miles and I'll walk the rest of the way. They conceded and I proceeded to power-walk the remainder of the marathon. I maintained approximately a 15:00/mile pace throughout the rest of the "run", completing the marathon just under my worst-case scenario of 6:30. I passed quite a few folks that were walking and had a group of up to 4 of us at one point that were maintaining the pace. Eventually, it whittled down to just me but I kept pushing. As my time goals passed me by (sub-13, sub-14), I decided that I was going to finish before 10:00PM. That became my motivation. Just made it, crossing the line at 9:54-ish. I also broke the agreement that I made with my knees. I couldn't walk down the finishing chute. I hit that corner and all the cheering forced me to pick it up and run the final few blocks. WHAT A RUSH! I was so ecstatic that I didn't even hear them say my name! My wife heard me called an Ironman; I was just glad to be finished! What would you do differently?: Get more of the key runs in during Peak phase. (See surgery note in bike section.) I feel like I left at least an hour on the run course that proper training could have realized. I know that's a lot but if I can run/walk the entire marathon, I know I can go faster. ![]() Post race
Warm down: Walking down the road about a block, then finding a bench to sit on. What limited your ability to perform faster: Lack of key Peak phase training did me in for my primary goals. I was able to finish but do believe that I have some time to make up/gain out there. This is what is leading me to lean toward another go in 2011/2012. Event comments: My main issue, as has been previously stated by others, was the short supply of water on some of the bike aid stations. I also experienced some of the run aid stations running out of cups. That is not acceptable, especially considering that is was not yet 10:00PM! The volunteers were incredible and were spot on at every interaction, from registration to the race course! Kudos to each and every one of you! I would do another IM-distance race but may migrate to a non-WTC race due to the fee increase ($700.00 might be past my breaking point) and the lack of swag offered. I'll look at B2B, Rev3, Redman or one of the others first before taking the m-dot plunge again. I'm glad I did it but am also glad it's over! Next year I'm looking forward to short-course racing again! Last updated: 2009-11-12 12:00 AM
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
Overall Rank = 1405/2500+
Age Group = M45-49
Age Group Rank = 125/
Woke up @ 4:00AM; had a little breakfast - PB+Banana on wheat toast. Packed up nutrition for the bike and headed to T1. Loaded up the bike and double checked Transition Bags.
Walked to swim start and waited in line. That was enough.