Red Nose Run - Run10 Mile

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Birmingham, Alabama
United States
Championship Racing, LLC
14F / -10C
Total Time = 1h 16m 56s
Overall Rank = 46/208
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 7/40
Event warmup:

Stayed inside the heated auditorium until 5 minutes prior. Just too darn cold to be out until necessary.
  • 1h 16m 56s
  • 10 miles
  • 07m 41s  min/mile

Wow, this is a run for the ages. Keeping in mind this is in Birmingham, Alabama - we haven't seen temperatures like this in quite some time. Temperature at the start was sitting at 14 or so. One volunteer said there were single digits on the windy backside of the course. Ugh.

Started off fine holding a 7:30 pace for the first few miles. Once we turned onto the backside there was a pretty stiff wind whipping up. I stayed with one group for quite a while and didn't start trying to lose them until mile 7. That was the official plan - cruise through 7 and then hit the gas (if I had any). I can't complain about my pace and consistency - pretty pleased with the first 7 miles.

About mile 6 I starting getting a tad uncomfortable and decided to start up some tunes. I keep my MP3 player clipped to my cap. I adjusted my cap to get the earbuds out and heard the snap-crackle-pop of the ice )(frozen sweat) on the top of my head breaking. That's a new one. I took water three times, mostly during this backside stretch just to keep my mouth from drying out. You had to be careful around the area after the water stations - everywhere someone dropped a cup there was a splash of ice on the ground.

Anyway, about mile 7 I found myself pretty much alone trailing a group of 5 runners. Pretty much noone behind me. I started turning it up and making it a goal to catch and drop those five. Between miles 8 and 9 I did just that. The only person to pass me in the last three miles was a guy I caught with 200 yds left - he immediately hit the sprint button (mine was evidently broken) and dusted me to the line. I cheered for him and we chatted afterward. Pretty happy with my splits at the end - broke 7 minutes on the last mile and was getting pretty tired (and had been pretty tight) at that point. Don't know if I could have run the race differently - every new distance I try to cruise through most of the race and push to the line hard. I don't want to hit a wall in the middle. Went to plan, I guess. I really wanted to break 1:16, but with the wind and the temperature I have to say my final time was A-OK. I never got to the exhausted stage like in a 5k. My legs were pretty fatigued and wouldn't really allow for a full on sprint type finish.

One last note - after I finished I had two clowns (real clowns - this was the theme) tell me I had icicles in my hair. LOL - Right beneath my cap in the back I had a half dozen jumbo-gumball sized balls hanging from my hair. On top of that while trying to talk to people directly after the race I felt like I had just been to the dentist - my face was frozen to that extent.

What a morning.

What would you do differently?:

Hard to say. I've never in conditions like this - it just doesn't happen down here. Maybe be somewhat faster in the middle? I stayed with a group most of the way, though, and didn't start shaking things up until mile 7.

Probably not much - I dressed pretty well for the run and held a decent pace throughout. I was hoping to break 1:16, but withe these conditions I'm pretty satisfied with this result.
Post race
Warm down:

Ran in, looked for my buddies, and then ran a slow 5K with one to pace them on their run. We then ducked into the warm auditorium, grabbed some food and hung out. No warmdown - just trying to warm up.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Wind and sub-zero windchill weather.

Event comments:

Very well run and well staffed, particularly considering the bitterly cold weather. Lots of traffic control and volunteers. Basically no crowd out there, but who is going to be out in sub-zero windchill weather?

Last updated: 2009-12-09 12:00 AM
01:16:56 | 10 miles | 07m 41s  min/mile
Age Group: 7/40
Overall: 46/208
Performance: Good
Mile 1 - 7:26 Mile 2 - 7:25 Mile 3 - 7:31 Mile 4 - 8:05 Mile 5 - 8:04 Mile 6 - 8:01 Mile 7 - 8:06 Mile 8 - 7:42 Mile 9 - 7:37 Mile 10 - 6:59
Course: Pretty flat with a couple sharp, short hills. Very cold and windy from mile 4 through mile 7, particularly one overpass that was pretty brutal. Other than that it was pretty flat. The course was a 1 1/2 loop - one big loop and one smaller loop that followed mostly a part of the big loop. One part of the course was a bit broken up, but other than that the road conditions were good. On the backside of the course the temperature was measured in the single digits with the wind chill below zero somewhere.
Keeping cool Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4