Bournemouth International Olympic Triathlon - TriathlonOlympic

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United Kingdom
22C / 72F
Total Time = 2h 54m 27s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

My AG was starting at 8am, but when i went ot registration i was not in my AG ! where the heck am i i asked mrs T (How would she know!?) anyway i look down the other waves and, there i am, IN THE ELITE WAVE AT 7AM !!!!!

up at 4.15, ate cereal, banana, coffee, lucozade, left home at 5.15, got to race at 6am, starting at 7am, got marked up, checked out transition, set up kit and watched the sprint start at 6.30am, went down to the beach at 6.45 for my 7am start time, the sea was so flat, perfoect !
Event warmup:

few stretches at pre race meeting
  • 39m 34s
  • 1500 meters
  • 02m 38s / 100 meters

AQs i was starting in the elite wave, i was mentally prepared to be last out the water, the pack quickly went away from me and i found it hard to get into my groove as i kept thinking about being last, my goggles steamed jup at about 400m, now being short sighted and steamed up i cant see the bouy, so i swim cautiously towards the canoes and at each ask for directions, i am like a lost tourist !!

I kept getting short injections of cramp in my calv es after about 600m, this was not a good sign, i thought i was v well hydrated and ate well ? whats going on with me ?

As i get round and approach the beach i stand up and run out and see my bro ane neice cheering me on ! as i run to Transition i see my mrs T amd my mum too ! they gave me a great mental push !!
What would you do differently?:

Get anti fog stuff but does it actually work ?

I need to shave off 10 mins from this swim time, i got to get seriouis in the pool, maybe a lesson or something ?
Transition 1
  • 02m 18s

All the bikes round me are gone, i am last out the sea. i am knocked my this, grab the gear and off i go,

200m, up the road, no race belt !! no !!!
What would you do differently?:

erm ? race belt on ?
  • 1h 16m 34s
  • 24.85 miles
  • 19.47 mile/hr

there was a steep him for 200m directly out of t1,so this is hard work, i get to the top and realise i have forgotten to put on my race belt NOO !! DQ maybe!?? i dont know what the penalty is. this plays on my mind the whole cycle.

Its a straight out and back down a duel carriage way, at 8am there are not many cars, but its bloody crazy some cars dont pull into the 2nd lane to give us space, i was shaken and shouted at some cars. Took on gels at 5 miles, 15 and 20 miles, i had 2 bottles on the bike, 1 energy drink and 1 electrolytes, now we all know how salty the elec drink is, well i made it too strong and it was undrinkable so only drank the energy drink.

I caught i think 4 people, but some serious bikers went by me on bikes worth more than i earn in 2 months ! this is a serious race, no novices here, well apart from 1 !

A BMW pulled up along side me, i wondered whats up with him, slowing down like that ? then it dawned on me, RACE MARSHALL looking at my arm for my number as i have no race belt on.......... GREAT ! now what does that mean?

I began to get cramp in the hip at about 15 miles, not a good sign for the run.

I got caught up in traffic behind a car that refused to overtake a bike ahead of me and it was weaving along, i tried to undertake it and he came into me, i punched the window but neither the passanger or driver looked at me, either they did it opn purpose or were oblivious to my existance!!

What would you do differently?:

Taste drinks before leaving home.
Transition 2
  • 01m 23s

I get to my spot and there is a marshall with a clip board, great he is here to tell me off for not wearing my race belt, i rack and strip my kit, he watched me, i then say i forgot my race belt on the bike as i clip it on, he goes, oh dear ! i asked has it been spotted, he said he does not know, so i plead well if not, then you have not spotted it too right ? lol !! and off i went on the run, i am releaved he was not telling me my race is over.
  • 54m 36s
  • 6.51 miles
  • 08m 23s  min/mile

i see the family again on the out of T2, they spur me on, i also see my nephew now !! woo !!

there are km markers and they match my 310xt until km 6 which turns out to be almost and extra 300m, not good as i got to do that bit extra on the run back too,

my legs have never felt this bad in a race before, i am exhausted and considered walking but i say no. i get to a water station at 7km, slow to grab a cup, huge mistake, CRAMP in both hamstrings below the bum ! i am hobbling, i cant run, do i walk ?? its 3km to go, thats a long walk,. i dont want to walk as my family are here, i battled through it, eventually it loosened up enough so i could do what felt like running but probably looked very odd indeed ! i battled it and got to the end, 54 mins, not a good time for me but i ran it all, thats the main thing for me.
What would you do differently?:

not sure.
Post race
Warm down:

none, chat and ate ice cream

What limited your ability to perform faster:

the constant cramping i had all race from swim to run, i dont know what this happened, i think i did everything i have done in the past 3 races, the only difference is i ate a lot of fruit on the day before, could this be the reason ?

Event comments:

Overall i finished 5th from last in my age group, is my time that bad ?this was a race for seruious racer,s there were not many beginners here at all,

would race again, just to better my performance and as its local, i learnt a lot from today and although i had problems, i enjoyed it, now i knmow i need to get serious if i am to complete a 70.3 in october

Last updated: 2010-01-03 12:00 AM
00:39:34 | 1500 meters | 02m 38s / 100meters
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Suit: 2Xu TO
Course: From beacg round 1st bouy, then a turn right, square back to the start
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Average
Breathing: Average Drafting:
Waves: Navigation: Below average
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:18
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
01:16:34 | 24.85 miles | 19.47 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Wind: Headwind with gusts
Course: Out and back up duel carraige way, main road, 2 lanes
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 01:23
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Average
00:54:36 | 06.51 miles | 08m 23s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Course: out and back along the prominade
Keeping cool Average Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3