Comments: 1st loop - Didn't have any water the first hour, so didn't start taking endurolytes either, so I was pretty much behind on water and electrolytes immediately and I felt it as I started having muscle spasms/cramps about 20 miles in. Terrain not so much different than what I run on here in Austin, just more hills in the race. At aid station 5(25miles in) I started eating anything I could grab, and taking in straight salt poured in the palm of my hand. I was desperate to catch up on electro's. That seemed to help because by the time i got to the finish of loop 1 i was feeling better. 1st loop done in 6hrs 22 minutes. I was a little slow to my 12hr fantasy goal. I went to my tent and started eating and drinking. I switched shoes to my LaSportiva Fireblades, much heavier and with a solid rock plate. Feet were pretty battered and felt bruised. Probably not the best terrain to use cross country flats on. Live and learn. 2nd loop - Ran anything flattish and down. I pretty much would run to the point where my HR would begin to spike, then i'd start walking the rest of the hill. This worked to conserve leg strength. I almost got to the third aid station(1st xroads) before pitch dark. I needed another 10 minutes or so. Did the last 15 miles with a head lamp. I've done lots of night runs so i didn't really bother me. I say this, but i still stumbled quite a few times and even fell and hit the ground 4 times. Nothing hurt except pride. Yelled at myself to pay attention a few times. Glad i had on the Fireblades for the countless rocks i kicked, and i'm glad i didn't have to worry as much about foot placement. At LastChance I just had 2 climbs left and a downhill with flat to the finish. Walked the hills fast and then picked up my pace to finish before 11pm. First person to greet me at the finish was JoeP(the RD) himself. Good Man. What would you do differently?: Not wear my cross country flat's the first half.(maybe). Start on water and electrolytes immediately. Post race
Warm down: Had a cup of coffee and sat down in the finishers tent. Started to get cold so went to my tent with a fresh cup of coffee. The coffee didn't make it to my tent, I was shivering tooooo bad and spilled it all. So just changed clothing and laid down in my bag and tried to sleep. It was a long cold night. What limited your ability to perform faster: Inexperience, it was my first run at Bandera. Didn't start on electrolyes early enough. By the end I was taking two endurolytes every half and hour and taking in straight salt at each aid station(with water). Event comments: Up to now, this race was the hardest race i've ever done. Last updated: 2010-01-12 12:00 AM
United States
Tejas Trails/Montrail
8F / -13C
Overall Rank = 52/147
Age Group = M40-44?
Age Group Rank = 37/77
First off, I tent camped. It was cold! I think 8f at the race start. Anyway, actually forced myself out of the sleeping bag about 20 minutes before the race start. Found a friend outside cooking and had some of his coffee(he was a race volunteer). That was breakfast. Briefly thought about the shoes i was going to wear, but decided to go with my plan and use my Brooks Mach10's cross country's for the first loop, so I got dressed. Balaclava, ball cap, and extra fleece cover. Tank top, long sleeve tech shirt, and fleece jacket. Running shorts and rain/cold weather bike tights. Did i say it was cold. Walked to the start and less than a minute later the race started.
No warmup. I was counting on the first hill to do that. Did i forget to mention that i FAILED to fill my water bottles before the start.