![]() Swim
Comments: seeded WAY to fast. guestimated 1:30/100m, realized after the fact been swimming in a marked YARD pool. I knew I was in trouble while in line and the guy next to me said he would be doing the swim in 5-6 minutes. I did okay. I finished and I think I PR'd even though it was a shoddy performance to say the least. What would you do differently?: need much much much more swim time. I can move, but I have poor forward motion skills, and I ran into some breathing issues again this year- shortness of breath again and that carried over to the bike portion. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: dizzy hitting cold air from hot pool. longer run to transition than it was the last time I did it (2008). Had a difficult time getting thoughts in order, and gravel off feet to get into socks. What would you do differently?: weather was a big factor. still need to look into better bike shoes and running shoes and try to go sock less. ![]() Bike
Comments: Very Cold!! hands froze. had to stop at about 8 miles to make hands work. Just because I have a fast Tri-bike, doesn't make the course go any faster if I don't have the engine to do it with! Hills - bad. anything not downhill - bad. Went faster my 1st year on a borrowed mountain bike! GRR! What would you do differently?: Gee, maybe wear sleeves or a jacket and Gloves? actually spend some time riding the bike instead of looking at it thinking about riding it. Could have done so much better with a little more practice. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: had to sit down to get shoes off/on. luckily I didn't stay down very long. there is no jumping off a moving bike in bike shoes for me. Took a tumble a couple years ago when I tried that.. something about wet plastic on asphalt making shoes go in directions that legs don't normally go. X What would you do differently?: still need to look into better bike shoes and running shoes and try to go sock less. ![]() Run
Comments: 50yd in had to stop and stretch calves (typical after bike for me), really slow going and walked probably 1/4mi. 12 min 1st mile. Legs started to loosen up and ran all but 50yds of mile 2 @ 10min. Last mile started good and felt great at the half-way point, pushed it hard and finished in 9 mins, a pr for me. PR 5k time What would you do differently?: drink some water on bike. didn't drink anything this time until on the run course and that slows me down 10-25 seconds each time. I proved I have the potential for a 27 min 5k.. now I have to do it. ![]() Post race
Warm down: water, banana, cookies, more water, another cookie. walk back to transition and stretch everything out. came home and slept for 4 hours. What limited your ability to perform faster: lack of training, overconfidence in my abilities, underestimated the weather conditions. Event comments: I've never wanted to quit a race before today.. the frozen hands on the bike damn near did it. Mentally I was frustrated and over it at that point. However, I'm glad I kept going. Not the comeback that I had originally thought it was going to be, and certainly not the way I wanted to start my season, but I finished BOP like I had expected and not DFL. It's been cold and blustery 2 out of the 3 times I have done this event. I don't know if I'm going to do it again next year. Last updated: 2010-02-26 12:00 AM
United States
Carmel Swim Club
34F / 1C
Overall Rank = 543/675
Age Group = M 35-39?
Age Group Rank = 57/?
20oz mocha-coffee with a plain bagel 1.5 hrs before the race
16oz water 45min pre-race
chocolate Gu 1/2 hr pre-race
arrived early, set up transition, got body marked and waited.
1/2 mile walk, light stretching (static), I don't generally do much more.