Warrior Dash - Run

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Mountain City, GA, Georgia
United States
Red Frog Events
75F / 24C
Total Time = 20m 37s
Overall Rank = 268/3366
Age Group = 45-49
Age Group Rank = 8/139
Pre-race routine:

the race started at 1230 so we ate a normal breakfast. We made sandwiches for lunch and packed them in the cooler. Arrived at the event before 10 and paid $20 to park. I didnt really care since we were right across the street. We got our packets with bibs, shirt and helmet.
Event warmup:

just stretched real good.
  • 20m 37s
  • 2.5 miles
  • 08m 15s  min/mile

started too fast as always. I was able to catch my breath when I got to the obstacles.
What would you do differently?:

start slower and pace myself.
Post race
Warm down:

drank beer and ate turkey legs. We took pictures and enjoyed watching all the athletes walking around in different costumes.

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

The event had waves every 30 minutes which kept the excitement going all day. This was a great event and we will do it again next year.

Last updated: 2010-03-02 12:00 AM
00:20:37 | 02.5 miles | 08m 15s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/139
Overall: 0/3366
Performance: Good
Course: there were 11 obstacles to negotiate during this adventure run. The start was on pavement. We ran down towards the main highway and made a left turn. Following the pavement we came to a lake which we made another left and ran over 2x16 planks to cross the lake. On the other side we had to run over about 25 yards of tires then ran down to 3 barrior walls. We crossed the walls and ran on a path through the woods . We circled around back to the lake which we had to wade through. We then passed through a water station and had to pull ourselves up an obstacle wall with a rope. It was about 15 feet high and was about at a 45 degree angle. We ran down a path to a cargo net wall. It was about 20 feet high. Up one side then down the other. We then ran through a junk yard over some cars and down a path to some big sewr pipes. We went through the pipes and ran through the woods. Then we had to low crawl through the mud under some barbed wire. After that we wades in the water and had to get over 3 huge logs that were floating in the water. Last obstacle was fire. They had two lines of duraflame logs on fire. The flames reached about 3 feet high and the bash was about 18 inches wide. Then we ran to the finish line.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5