Madison Community Center Triathlon - TriathlonMini Sprint

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Madison, South Dakota
United States
44F / 7C
Total Time = 1h 28m 11s
Overall Rank = 138/149
Age Group = 40-49
Age Group Rank = 18/19
Pre-race routine:

got up early to make the 2 hour trip north northwest. ate bowl of cereal, some sun chips, and an energy bar and drank water and some gatorade on the road. arrived about 7:50, picked up my bag and chip, got my numbers on my arms and calves. had an hour to get my bike and stuff in the transition area. bought two dimpled water bottles and yankz shoe laces. although it felt a little nippy when i left, it was sunny and getting warmer.
Event warmup:

got in the pool and made sure my goggles were functioning. i was number 40 which kind of freaked me out given that there were supposed to be over 150 competitors. i couldn't understand why they would have me go so soon when i am such a slow swimmer. later, i found out that those in the "clydesdale or athena" cagegory (men who weigh over 200 and women over 160) would be the first group to go after the teams finished the swim. i was the second to last swimmer to go. the guy behind me, matt, is a local sports dj, round like me, and participating in his first tri.
  • 15m 8s
  • 300 yards
  • 05m / 100 yards
Transition 1
  • 02m 42s

my transition time was way too slow. i placed 119

not only did we have to run the bike out of the transition area, but also had to run it down the sidewalk 50 or 60 yards to the street before we could mount.
What would you do differently?:

0. wear a tri suit with top
1. get there early to get bike on the front row middle
2. continue to wear contacts
3. only helmet, no headband (maybe put something in the helmet to absorb sweat.
4. have fuel bag or pouch and have energy bar open and in bag ready to go
5. wear sandal cleats
6. get/wear number belt
7. eat and drink on the road
8. get a hydration bottle for aerobars
1. wear tshirt with number
2. wear bike gloves
3. wear headband
4. eat or drink while in transition area
  • 38m 37s
  • 9.35 miles
  • 14.53 mile/hr

my strongest event, i placed 114 instead of at the end. although not my best bike ride. it was my first ride with the aerobars in a good position. i couldn't hold the aero position very long. i rotated between aero, right aero lft top of dropbar, both top of dropbar. i felt like the seat is a little low, needs to be raised 1-2 inches. didn't have any chance to really ride it once i got the stem extender and adjustable stem in order to raise the handlebars and aeros 5-6 inches. they seem to be at a good height, now i need to find the right place for the seat and then learn to stay in the aero position throughout the ride. i passed a couple of people on the way out and then was passed by a number of riders as the fastest swimmers followed our group of athenas and clydsdales.

i started an energy bar in t1 and had it in my mouth starting the bike. bad idea cause it had peanutbutter in it and made my mouth dry and sticky. i spit about a third of it out once i was on the bike, but couldn't get to my water since it was in the left side cage.
What would you do differently?:

ride in aero position, adjust seat, eat once on the bike, have aerobars hydration system to facilitate drinking
Transition 2
  • 02m 49s

for some reason i was really slow in t2. i had to remove my glove and shoes. i got a drink of gatorade. once i was ready i started to exit the transition area the wrong way and lost a few seconds
What would you do differently?:

1. fuel up on the bike before getting off (both water, gatorade, energybar)
2. no gloves
3. grab headband and put on while running
4. know which way to exit the transition area for the run
5. be focused
6. grab a water and don't worry about putting it in the garbage.
  • 29m 17s
  • 2.25 miles
  • 13m 01s  min/mile

had a hard time finding my legs. i think that may have even played a role in my slow t2. i was surprised to find the run on a soft and freshly laid roadbase that had only had a few days wear on it. i kept encouraging all of the other runners, both those ahead of me and the couple that i passed. i was determined not to walk despite wanting to. i think my regular howlering of encouragement to others kept my mind off of the run. i was surprised by how long it took me tho. a combination of being worn out from the first two events and having the soft road.
What would you do differently?:

get in better shape
Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster:

still getting into shape. i raced today after 1 month and 1 week of working out after not moving for the whole winter and gaining back the 17 lbs that i lost getting ready for the South Sioux City tri last october. i only swam twice this year and only ran twice in the past 3 weeks

Event comments:

the race had a nice feel to it. the football team in their jerseys as volunteers were easy to identify. i would have liked to be informed about the dirt/gravel road. i liked the athena/clydsdale groups. i made all of my mat crossings so my times were accurate for each of the 5 areas unlike my first tri.

Last updated: 2010-04-20 12:00 AM
00:15:08 | 300 yards | 05m / 100yards
Age Group: 19/19
Overall: 146/149
Performance: Average
14:28 actual in the water swim time
Course: 6 lane pole, swam left to right which works better for me since my left arm is up against the wall/rope which doesn't matter since it doesn't get much momvement. the start was a jump/dive into the water as apposed to starting in the water like the South Sioux City tri. i kind of freaked out and didn't know what to do after the first few that i saw dive in knocked their goggles off. i took a second before jumping in to set my stopwatch on my wrist then jumped in feet first and took off. i also stopped on about the second lane because i felt the guy behind me touch my foot so i stopped to let him pass but couldn't see him. he must have touched me when he was in the first lane going the other way. so i lost 20-30 seconds because of funny stuff like that.
Start type: Dive Plus: Time Trial
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Average Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 02:42
Performance: Bad
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed:
00:38:37 | 9.35 miles | 14.53 mile/hr
Age Group: 18/19
Overall: 114/149
Performance: Average
14.5 ave, 23.4 max, 9.4 distance, 984.8 cals, 16.7 at turnaround
Wind: Strong
Course: on the main stretch it felt like it was mostly slightly uphill so i look forward to the turnaround and descending. not the case, after the turnaround there was a strong headwind. i finished with a 14.5 ave speed
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Average Cornering: Average
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 02:49
Overall: Bad
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike Below average
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Bad
00:29:17 | 02.25 miles | 13m 01s  min/mile
Age Group: 18/19
Overall: 139/149
Course: rough roadbase, made it more difficult to run, was looking for hard packed areas, made the run more like a 3 mile run
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 2
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4