![]() Run
Comments: I'll start with WOW! 26.2 miles of fantastic course support: from the Gatorade, water, some porta potties, spectators...it was all top notch! I figured on the way in, I can probably run a half marathon at a slower pace than my current training, (or lack of...my longest run since my Indy qualifier in October was one 11.5 and one 14 miles run...both were tough due to my hip) then walk the rest at a 15min mile pace. Sure, I can pull that off, maybe even run a bit here and there of the second half. So, it all starts with one foot forward. First 10 steps "cool, my hip doesn't hurt", step 11 or 12, oh yeah, it does, crap." Thats ok, I can handle it hurting, it has for almost 2 months. Mile 1, stop and take a pic of the mile marker, 2, same thing, take of orange windbreaker...keeping a nice easy 9 something pace. Mile 5...hey cool, look at that ice cream shop with a little water slide in the back and a dinosaur! Mile 6-7-8 settle in to some 9+ minute miles, stopping at each water stop, drinking, looking around, taking pics, then running again. Mile 9 or so, get a hug from the group on the left advertising free hugs. Awesome, anything that helps! Ive been praying for a safe race for all, and for me to be able to just finish, and enjoy it, while thanking God for the beautiful weather! The girls from Wellesley (sp), yep, all giving out kisses (I did not partake of the offereings) and lots of loud cheering. On to mile 12 or so, and even louder were the guys/girls from Boston College. Now THEY were loud!! Seems alot of beer was involved in there somewhere! Hmmmm, half marathon 2:08 I think. Sure, I'll take it! Wow, maybe I should just do a few more, no, should I walk? nah...mile 15 stop at the porta potty (since Im taking it easy, thought I'd try out the mid race stop...never have done that in 13 years of racing!). Too bad I had a minute or so wait...then a minute or so in there!) Back on the road again... THEN I hear "hey, are you on BT" from behind me!!! (me, sporting my Donkey jersey, with the carrot on the back!) I slow, turn and up comes a girl, looking darn happy, and light on her feet (as I wonder did she just step out from the crowd...doesn't look like she has just run 15 miles...). I say yes...and she says "Im MissKelly". She asked if she could run along with me, and Im practically doing the happy dance saying YES, YES, thanks for picking me!!! We compare notes, both injured (she hurt her calf two days ago) and hoping to run half! We chat back and forth, walk the water stations, take pics, post to facebook etc. Im thinking, and saying "This is soooo much fun!" We both were amazed that we were each doing so well. BUT...mile 21 ish I decide to send Kelly on her way. Hip was worse, stomach a bit ick. She really wanted to stay back, but I convinced her that I was fine (I really was!). She finally agreed, and headed on. After a minute or so more of walking at that water station, decided to run again. And what do you know? I felt better! Few more miles of the same...but in Boston, the last few miles there are at least 3 deep in spectators everywhere! "I can't walk in front of them" attitude hit me, and I just kept on. Whats that up there??? Citgo sign? hmm, isn't that 1 mile? Yep, but man my hip is killing me. Maybe I should walk, this is little hill...but, again, too embarassing. Pain=sucks, walking=sucks more!And darn it, Im in BOSTON!!! About now, Im thinking "when is/was heartbreak hill??????" I hadn't walked any hills, except if a water station happened to be on a hill. Again though, I was running slow, so I was able to run up all of the hills. Ok, turn right, got it. Upcoming L turn "is that BOYLSTON???" yeah baby! But quickly, "wow that finish line looks far away". Run Pam run!!! NO repeat of my qualifier finish!! Huge smile, fists in the air...I DID IT!! What would you do differently?: Not a single thing! I read alot of race reports the night before, Scotts, Joes, Skavoovies, and some people I don't know...all made me realize I had to respect the course, take the first part easier than I felt that I could. Kept my stride very short on all of the down hills, no overstriding. (quads never did hurt me, even after!) Walked the water stations (thanks Terri!) and just SIU about the pain. Pain is temporary. So true! ![]() Post race
Warm down: walked the long chute. stopped to help a girl who was down at one of the buses...I sat on the ground (praying I would be able to get back up) and let her lean on me until a wheelchair got there and I could help get her in it and give a nurse report to the med helper. Got my bag, put on some dry clothes and tried to find a way to get to City Sports. Its right over there...but I can't get their from here!! Too many closed streets...and I didn't have it in me to climb the barricade! So, headed to the T, back to shower, rest...then back into the city for dinner with Lisa, Bjorn, Tracy, Juice, Alex and another couple and their baby. Legal Seafood! Back to the T and my hotel, slept 4 hrs then up at 4 to the airport, with a sore throat. What limited your ability to perform faster: For my current situation, nothing! Im thrilled with my time, since I was going to be ok with 5-5 1/2 hrs! Event comments: I qualified,then had hip issues for the past 2 months or so. Ive accepted that this may put me out for the season, and I am totally ok with that! I went to Boston to run MY race, have fun, enjoy time with my friends and their families, and I succeeded with all of those goals!! Met a new friend and fellow BTer on the course (bonus). I feel so very fortunate that I have the ability to at least make it this far, and that I was able to be a part of this event...that is so very different in many ways from any race I have ever done!!! Just WOW!!! Thanks to all of my Donkey friends that helped me with qualifying and making it to Boston...love ya! Last updated: 2010-04-23 12:00 AM
United States
Boston Athletic Association
50F / 10C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
I decided on May 10th (with the help of my Donkey friends at the Blessing of the Burro party) to go ahead and go to Boston. Ive had hip issues for the past few months (possibly related to my hip surgery 10/08) So, the plan was 1 HAVE FUN! 2 try to run a Half Marathon, and walk the rest 3 Hang out with Ben and Lisa and their respective families 4 not hurt myself.
Goals all accomplished!
Spent Saturday with Lisa at the expo...fun!! On Sunday hit the expo briefly, then lunch and a trolley ride around Boston with Ben and his family...also alot of fun!!
Monday am: up at 5:30 am to meet a couple of girls that I had chatted with on Sunday, to take the T to the race finish area to catch the shuttle buses to Hopkinton. Soooo...shiver, shiver, laugh, talk, shiver some more for about an hour or so. We ended up on one of the last buses to leave for the start. (and we made it to the buses by 6:35!). Now, straight out of a Seinfeld episode...our busdriver missed the exit and we were now lost! Driver speaks little english...next exit 9 miles away...lotf of Iphones out with maps etc. Back on highway going the OTHER direction...misses ANOTHER exit! Im thinking "this is awesome!!", others are starting to freak! Made it to the Village in time for a potty stop, a look over my shoulder to see the 2 AF jets go over...short little happy dance to my Indy marathon song...(I've got a feeling....)Made my morning! Got to the corral after the gun went off, but still did not hit the start line for 9+ minutes!
See above! Just walking around, etc, soaking up the atmosphere, and loving the getting lost mishap!