Jersey Shore Time Trial - CycleTime Trial

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Seaside Park, New Jersey
United States
Jersey Shore MultiSport
60F / 16C
Total Time = 52m 41s
Overall Rank = 113/184
Age Group = Cat 4/5
Age Group Rank = 31/54
Pre-race routine:

Out of bed 4:30, legs felt pretty good considering the long ride the day before. Loaded up car with my stuff, coffee, 2 home made banana muffins and 2 bottles of Infinit & Carbo Pro mix for the 90 minute drive. Very murky misty weather down the shore, very glad I left on time.
Event warmup:

Arrived at 6:40 AM for a 7:41 AM time slot in the TT. Lots of expensive bikes and professional looking riders waking around & some warming up on indoor trainers. Got my NJBA day license, number and got dressed and hopped on my bike for a few loops to warm up. Had a last sip of drink and a double espresso gu to get going. Lined up around 7:35 ready for the off.
  • 52m 41s
  • 18.64 miles
  • 21.23 mile/hr

This race experience was a blast. We all lined up at the starting tent, 30 seconds apart with a 10 second beeped countdown. I started out trying to keep the cadence high and effort reasonable. HR settled in around 160 pretty soon. We entered a state park after about 2 miles and from there we had a tailwind out and headwind back. I changed the units on my Garmin to metric and tried to break the race into 3 10K efforts. The reality was this felt like 2 15K efforts. One with the wind and one against it. I could see on the way out I was averaging about 36 KM/h. I passed by 4 folks in my group before the turnaround. I in turn was passed by 4 of the Senior Men who looked like the real deal & they were cranking out some serious power. The headwind on the way back was a whole different story. Bike handling was really important with the crosswinds. I think I passed 1 more person and was passed by another 4 or 5 from the SM group. I was really starting to feel it down the last 10 K but kept going. I pushed and pushed and looking at the clock I felt I could make it in around 51 mins. I did start to tire at the last turn, 2 of the fast guys whipped past me jockeying for position to get to the finish line. Finally made it across the line, pretty exhausted but feeling great.
What would you do differently?:

Not much, this was my first TT and I really enjoyed it. My personal ambition was to see if I could average 22 MPH and I got reasonably close with 21.23. Just taking part in a race like this with guys averaging 25-26 MPH was an eye opener to the world of bike racing as opposed to triathlons. The winner cranked out the course in 40:32 averaging 27.53 mph. Amazing! I don't think I've ever seen numbers like that from anyone in a triathlon bike split.

I do think it may be time for a bike fit on my tri bike, just to dial it in and get the most from it.

Note : I put my rank in Cat 4/5 as opposed to age group. I was pretty happy that I held my own in this category.
Post race
Warm down:

Chatted with another competitor Michael over a coffee, got out of my wet clothes headed home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nothing really, I think I gave it all I had on the day. It's down to more training to get faster, esp. some more time trial efforts as part of my training regimen. I might have had a bit more in the legs if I'd not done a ~50 mile ride the day before, but I doubt it. I felt good most of the way round so no excuses.

Event comments:

Enjoyed it, first foray into this kind of event. Nice to see how fast the big boys and girls can go even at the amateur level.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2010-05-04 12:00 AM
00:52:41 | 18.64 miles | 21.23 mile/hr
Age Group: 31/54
Overall: 54/184
Performance: Good
Wind: Strong with gusts
Course: Course was 30K out and back along Seaside Shore.
Road: Smooth Wet Cadence: 89
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4