Comments: Thought I was going to drown with every stroke. It was definitely scary and I have never been so happy to get back onto dry land again. What would you do differently?: Definitly train more in the swim portion. Transition 1
Comments: A little shakey on my feet trying to get my shoes on. What would you do differently?: Just practice a little more. Wasn't bad. Bike
Comments: Flat tire in the first quarter mile. Tire didn't want to come off of the rim so it ate up a good 20+ minutes. Spent the rest of the bike just trying to ragain some of the ground that had been lost because of that flat tire. Aside from the tire, I'm pleased with how I handled the bike. I may have done better if I had more competition to ride with rather than just pass. What would you do differently?: Definitely troubleshoot what went wrong with the tire change. Transition 2
Comments: My brother had wanted to start the run with me since he had already finished but he said that I took off like a bat outta hell and couldn't keep up with me. I attribute that with being so mad at my bike that I just wanted to get away from it as fast as I could. Run
Comments: Still trying to regain lost ground, ended up moving at a quick pace but my adrenaline was pumping so I was able to keep running even when those around me were stopping to walk. I'm pleased with my drive, but my speed could use some work. What would you do differently?: Maybe through in a few more runs into my prep to strengthen my legs back up to where they should be. Post race
Warm down: Grabbed some Gatoraide and retold stories of the race with my brothers who were also competing along with me. Tried to catch my breath again as family was snapping pictures. What limited your ability to perform faster: The flat tire definitely made me lose a lot of time. If you subtract the time for changing that then I probably did as well as I had anticipated myself doing. Event comments: Everyone there was friendly. My brother's team was hosting the event and since I was wearing one of his jersey's then I had plenty of support out there on the run. Last updated: 2010-06-16 12:00 AM
United States
56F / 13C
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Woke up at 4am without using an alarm. Got dressed, grabbed a granola bar and a cup of black coffee on the way out the door.
Spent most of the time trying to acquant myself with what I need to do during each transition and setting up my bike in the transition area. Then went and looked over the swim portion to see how far in over my head I was getting myself. Once setup, waded into the water to acclimate myself to the temp.