Comments: Overall, I was pleased with my swim. My sighting was better than I thought it would be and I popped out of the water at about 15:45. Two weeks ago, I would have guessed that I would be out of the water after about 18-19 minutes,so this was much quicker than I had hoped. I felt like I had finished strong at the end. During the run into T1, I began to start thinking about the bike phase, which was helpful. This helped me move through that stage a little faster, I think. What would you do differently?: Two things: 1) Try to keep my goggles from fogging up and 2), start swimming harder a little sooner. I waited until I was past the second buoy to push a little more. I think that with more experience, that will come easier. Transition 1
Comments: This was the only problem that I had in the entire race. I chose to put my shoes on while I was riding, and this didn't go so well. I think in placing them on my bike, I really didn't have them loosened up well. As a result, I was well into my ride and still trying to get my shoes on. I would guess that it was a good 3-4 minutes in, before I really got my shoes on. What would you do differently?: Either ride with shoes that are easier to get on or just put them on and then get on the bike. Bike
Comments: This portion of the triathlon was fun!!! Again, I rode much faster than I had anticipated, keeping my pace above 20 miles/ hr. I did get passed by a number of folks, but almost all of them were on tri bikes and clearly had been doing this for a while. I may not have pushed as hard as I could either, but I can't argue with the speed considering that my previous rides had been much slower. What would you do differently?: I might push a little more on the bike next time. I was definitely a little conservative as I didn't want to be empty by the time I got to the run. Transition 2
Comments: T2 is definitely an easier transition. One of the first things that I did was put my race belt on as I wanted to be sure that I didn't forget it. I got my helmet off and my hat/ glasses on with no trouble. I chose to sit down to put my shoes on, but I wanted to avoid the debacle that I had with the biking shoes. One of them felt a little loose when I started running, but it wasn't too bad so I just went with it. The yankz are definitely a help for a quick transition. What would you do differently?: Nothing really. I was pleased with this section of the transition. Run
Comments: The run continues to be a strength for me. I was the 4th fastest run in my age group. I felt very strong throughout and I wonder if I didn't have a little something left in me at the end. The finish line kind of sneaked up on me, but I can't complain at all. I wasn't passed by anyone during the run. What would you do differently?: Maybe push a little harder after mile two. Post race
Warm down: Nothing really. I visited with my family and watched my girls dance to the DJ. What limited your ability to perform faster: The lack of a previous triathlon experience was the only thing that might have limited my performance. Still, I completed this race nearly 11 minutes faster than I had anticipated so I have absolutely no complaints. I feel like my biking shoes were my only "mistake" and that was a relatively small one. Event comments: This was a fantastic first race for a triathlon. Not having done other tri's I can't really compare it to other events, but with about 300 people and a nice easy course, it was very "newbie" friendly. I could definitely see myself doing this race again. There is also a similar event at the end of June "Lake to Lake" which is an Olympic distance that I think I'd like to try next summer. I am definitely hooked! Last updated: 2010-07-24 12:00 AM
United States
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 79/316
Age Group = M35-39
Age Group Rank = 10/25
This was my first tri and I wanted to be sure that I arrived with plenty of time. I got to the race just after the transition area opened and found a spot near the front exit. I wanted something close to the bike start/ finish so that I wouldn't have to maneuver my bike through the transition area. Prior to the race I visited with a couple of people and even saw an old friend from High School.
Just before the race I went down to the lake and spent 4-5 minutes warming up in the water. The lake temperature was very comfortable and with the overcast sky, there was no worry about sun glare.