Wurst Tri Ever - TriathlonSprint

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New Braunfels, Texas
United States
Redemption Race Productions
82F / 28C
Total Time = 1h 13m 38s
Overall Rank = 12/310
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 2/30
Pre-race routine:

1 week goals 7 swim, 41:45 (20.1mph) bike, 20:15 run (6:45) 1 min tran 1:10 overall met the swim and tran goals but missed the bike and run

woke at 415, got dressed, downstairs, applesauce with 1.5 scoops protine, half powerbar, 3 sports legs, prepped acceleraid bottles for bike and run, loaded up and out the door. Picked up coffee on the way and had about 3 sips along with an ensure. On site just after 540 and was 3d into transition.
Event warmup:

Set up area swapped to the zipps when Bill showed, changed clothes, download, and hung out. Drank a bottle of gatoraid in transition but was thirsty before the start again. No swim warmup allowed. Should start jogging before the races. Had 3 more sportslegs 50 min out, 1/2 power bar 30 min out and then a gel at about 15 min. Listened to the announcements, found a drinking fountain, and got lined up for the event.

12 of 182 males
  • 06m 55s
  • 400 meters
  • 01m 44s / 100 meters

Started in the top 10 and was actually passed by 2. First time thats happened in a while. I don't like pool swimming d2 the way my suit adjusts in the water, HR strap shifting around etc. Twweaked my rt shoulder on the 150 wall and thought for a minute I might be done. Used flipturns for nearly every turn and it worked well.
What would you do differently?:

didn't swim all week and have not been focused on it recently. Need more water time. Need to keep focused on body position
Transition 1
  • 00m 31s

Good jog into T1 to spot, helmet on, bike caught on rack (hanging it by rear of seat for the first time) and slowed me by 2-3 sec. Rack was on the end in the center of the area, perfece spot. Out to the mount line

hard to judge because the timing system was having fits
What would you do differently?:

  • 43m 25s
  • 14.27 miles
  • 19.72 mile/hr

Lots of screwy rules but only the speed limit affected me. Went hard from the start. First hill was a killer, had to stand in the granny gear to keep progress. Passed by 3 and then rode all alone for the rest of the day got 2/3 a hammer jel (on the out leg) and a few swallow of acceleraid (early on the return) down along with 2/3 bottle of water. First bike ride where I was "wetter" at the end than at the beginning of the ride. Very sweaty day. Tried to spin up all the other climbs and use the down hills to make up speed. Good negative split, out in 17.8 MPH and back significantly faster to ave 19.7. Near the end of the ride I started making ground on one rider who passed me early on but didn't have time to close the deal (he was a better climber). Had to break hard on the big downhill entering the park. Prepped for dismount slightly early but d2 the "speed restriction" in the park it probably didnt cost me anything. Good dismount right at the line and then...
What would you do differently?:

More hill training....need to rethink nutrition on the sprint. DOn't need to carry 2# if I'm not going to drink it.
Transition 2
  • 00m 34s

10 steps and I'm at the rack... slight bobble with racking (aero bottle) and helmet then rt sock/shoe then lt sock/shoe, grabbed belt visor bottle and out the run

no judgement d2 timing system
What would you do differently?:

  • 22m 8s
  • 3.02 miles
  • 07m 20s  min/mile

never got my stride again, second race in a row. Legs are still shot from all te speedwork. Caught one runner, not the same guy I was chasing on the bike but another one who passed me on the bike, at the 1.25 mi point. Got my stride down and the last mile was a 705. Carried a bottle of acceleraid drank 3/4 of it...dumped it at the last water stop(also took in 3 cups water). Took a while to get my legs under me but finally did.

What would you do differently?:

not as many hard runs leading up to race day

Need to focus on recovering the week prior to Nationals so the legs are rested not heavy. I should be able to maintain this pace for a 10K and shoud be able to get into the grove after the first .5 mi.
Post race
Warm down:

walked around with Trisition team, snacks, waited for awards which was cnx'd due to timing errors...

What limited your ability to perform faster:

tired legs

Event comments:

Normally the RRP races are really good. This race had a lot of non-standard rules and it was a pain...timing system buffonery

Last updated: 2010-08-03 12:00 AM
00:06:55 | 400 meters | 01m 44s / 100meters
Age Group: 2/30
Overall: 13/310
Performance: Average
Course: D2 flodding the week prior the 2 venue swim was changed to a snake style in a 50M pool from left to right
Start type: Inside Pool Plus: Time Trial
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: Low
200M Perf. Good Remainder: Average
Breathing: Below average Drafting: Average
Waves: Below average Navigation:
Time: 00:31
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
00:43:25 | 14.27 miles | 19.72 mile/hr
Age Group: 3/30
Overall: 15/310
Performance: Below average
5 mi laps 17:02 (17.6mph), 14:43 (20.4mph), 11:43 (21.8mph)(short lap)
Wind: Little
Course: hilly course out and back on river rd riding Zipps
Road: Rough  Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Below average Hills: Below average
Race pace: Too hard Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:34
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Average
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:22:08 | 03.02 miles | 07m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 5/30
Overall: 27/310
Performance: Average
.5 mi laps....3:38, 3:48, 3:44, 3:45, 3:38, 3:27
Course: loop thru the neighborhood
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? No
Lots of volunteers? No
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3