Rubber Ducky Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Burnaby, British Columbia
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5C / 41F
Total Time = 2h 02m 9s
Overall Rank = /
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Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I'm nervous enough with this being my first 1/2 marathon... and then throw in the ugly pulled calf muscle and the seized right upper shoulder/neck muscles I've been dealing with... and then add the evil stompy neighbour that shall have be done away with sometime soon (note to self to take care of that)... and unfortunately the result was not getting a very good sleep. Which then left me really not wanting to get up in the morning (and kinda ornery)... but I dragged my poor, tired, pathetic self out of my toasty, warm, cozy bed and made myself eat a little bit of oatmeal & had a cup of coffee in a futile attempt to wake my azz up.

I grabbed all my stuff and packed it onto the motorcycle (yes, I rode my bike to the race) and with the temps being about 2C, that definitely helped to wake me up! Changed into my running gear, put my motorcycle stuff in the back of the race organizer's truck and went in search of the washroom... cuz I had to GO!

Event warmup:

Toque... check. Gloves... check. Long-sleeved shirt... check. Short-sleeved shirt... check. Fuel belt with extra Gu's, water and what the? Where the F*** is my Gatorade? Awwww hell. I know exactly where I'll find it when I get back home. On the kitchen table. Not helpful.

I have part of a Gu about 20 minutes before the race starts and then they've got a couple of girls doing a warm-up thingy to music... everyone crowds the start line and then the 10 second count down is going - what have I gotten myself into?!?
  • 2h 02m 9s
  • 13.11 miles
  • 09m 19s  min/mile

Because of my calf, I was going to do a 9/1 run/walk strategy - but of course once the race started, that kinda went out the window. Can you already sense the impending doom? Me too!

So... right from the get go I was having GI issues... normally I'm fine with having Gu on longer runs, but this time my gut had different ideas. You know that feeling in that low part of your gut... it's kinda rumbly... and you're not sure if it's just gas or not? Yeah... I got to have that for the entire first 8km. By the time that I relaxed into a stride and found some nice pace booty to follow, I was relieved to find out that it was just gas ;)

Running-wise, loop one was great. My legs felt good, my breathing was good, my shoulder felt good... it was just the icky GI issues that were holding me back. Which unfortunately also meant that I really didn't feel like taking anything in. No water, no Gatorade at the aid stations (of which there were only 2 on the course) and definitely no Gu. Still sensing the impending doom? Me too!

Make the turn around to loop 2 and now that I've got some of the gas out of my system, I'm feeling somewhat better - but not good enough to want to take anything in other than a few sips of water. Puttering along at a ridonkulously slow pace... getting passed by everyone (or at least it seemed that way), but I didn't care - it was a beautiful day and I was still on target for a sub 2 hour run... yay!

And then kilometer 16 happened. And it all went kablooey... in a big, big way. My stupid calf decided that it was done. Completely, 100% done and seizing up. I decide (in my infinite wisdom) that my calf just should HTFU and keep going. I make it another km by slowing down some more. And then my left foot also starts cramping... this I can't really ignore so I stop and try to stretch a few things out... get passed by more people... and start the quasi shuffle-run thing. Nope. No go. Grrrrr!!! Dang it body - just work already! Or at least do what I want you to do, and right now I want you to HTFU and move forward! Um... please? Pretty please? Nope. Now my quad wants to get in on the action and is giving me the evil eye and telling me to eff off. Sweet. I kind of hobble for the next km (now at 18 for those playing at home) and have to stop again to try and stretch. People are now stopping and asking if I'm okay - apparently I didn't look like I was having fun. I start out again and my calf is trying to cramp with every step, my foot has cramped, my quad hates me... and I still have 3 to go. I take a look at my watch and realize my hope of making a sub 2 is diminishing... so I start moving forward. And then start kind of jogging. I can't really call it jogging cuz I don't think it resembled jogging in any way... but at least I was moving. And I only had 3km to go... it can't be THAT bad, can it? Yes, yes it can.

I did the jog/shuffle thing for the last 3km. I figured that I might as well just keep going cuz if I stopped, there's no way that I'd start again.

Finally... FINALLY we come to the last turnaround... the last few hundred meters! My calf threatening to cramp with every step, my foot already cramped so that my toes are numb and my quad is seriously gonna give me a beat down when I'm done. But I'm done! I crossed the mat! I don't even care that I missed my goal by 2 minutes... I'm muthfukkin' DONE!!!
What would you do differently?:

Meh, I could have listened to the god of all gods of massage therapy and not do the race, but what fun would that have been?
Post race
Warm down:

Walking/hobbling around & trying to stretch... then find out that I've won a prize, so I walk over to the tent to claim my foam roller (mmmmm... foam roller...) and find foot massage people! Oh happy day! For a mere $10 these amazing people (who should receive a knighthood or something for their skills) will massage your nasty, just run 21.1km feet for 20 minutes... wait... let me think about that for a seco.... YES!!!!

And then went upstairs for pancakes. Stairs suck. It also sucks to go down stairs. Just sayin'.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My lack of smartness. I think this is also known as stupidity... or idiocy. Or they could be used interchangeably.

Event comments:

It's a fantastic setting, and a really well done race - one that I will definitely do again! Hopefully with less stupidness.

Last updated: 2010-09-30 12:00 AM
02:02:09 | 13.11 miles | 09m 19s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Course: This was a fantastic course! A 2 loop trail course around Burnaby Lake - completely flat with a couple of bridges thrown in for fun.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %0
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? No
Course challenge Too easy
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4