Hyattsville CX - CycleCyclocross

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Hyattsville, Maryland
United States
Route 1 Velo
75F / 24C
Total Time = 42m 2s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = Mens Cat 4
Age Group Rank = 55/95
Pre-race routine:

Sam and I loaded the kids, their bikes my bike and everything that goes with us and kids to races and drove up to Hyattsville. Picked up my pint glass (I love cross races) and my number then headed back to the truck to get set up.
Event warmup:

Rode 2 laps around the course. Pancake flat, lots of tight turns, crossing over the volleyball court was interesting, I learned in the warmup lap if I had to run through the sand that it would be tough to get my shoes unclipped. I thought I was going to have to bail when I got to the barriers as I was frantically trying to get unclipped.

  • 42m 2s
  • 8.02 miles
  • 11.45 mile/hr

I wasn’t exactly sure where the start line was and realized that I was in the wrong place, so I figured it out and rode to the start. In the men’s 4 race, start position is solely based on when you registered, I was 655, numbers started at 600 and went up to just about 700, so a decent sized field. They still weren’t to my number yet but since I was late getting there I was pretty close to the back of the field. The official was lining everyone up by number, but about the time he reached 645 he just said, ok, the rest of you just line up somewhere behind them, so I was stuck quite a few rows back from where I should have been.

Then off we went. It was packed to the first turn, I couldn’t really get around anyone. To me it seemed that the front half took off and the back half was moving a bit slower. Once things spread out a bit where you could really start passing the front half of the race was well out in front. I really didn’t have any idea what to expect so I just tried to pick off people in front of me when I could and make sure I didn’t drop my bike and look like an idiot. The thing I had the hardest time with was getting by people in the technical sections. I seemed to gain the most ground on people in front of me when the course started to turn around trees, or whatever obstacle was in our way, but those sections were tough to get by.

When things thinned out a bit there was a group I pretty much spent the whole race with and the 4-5 of us would pass each other a few times out there, then one by one we thinned out, some pulled ahead some dropped back. In the last lap or two there seemed to quite a few people that had burned themselves out by that point so saving something for that last lap is probably a good idea.

Passed by the finish line for the bell lap and surprisingly I hadn’t been passed by the leaders, I was sure that I would get lapped, so I count that as a victory on my part. I ended up finishing 55th out of 95 or so that started, extremely happy with that result. It’s funny when I looked at my Garmin I raced for 42 minutes and went a total of 8 miles with an average HR of 169; probably the more painful but fun 8 miles I have put in on a bike.

After the race I went to pick up the family and watched some of the later races drinking beer and eating BBQ, does it get much better than that?. My kids were disappointed when we told them it was time to go; there must have been 20-30 kids on the playground after my race.

Very much looking forward to the next race, doing DCCX on Nov 24th in DC, I think I am starting even further back in that race but learned a bit in this race so I can hopefully put that knowledge to use and move up a bit more.

What would you do differently?:

Get to the start line on time? Other than that, very happy with this race.
Post race
Warm down:

Drank beer and ate BBQ

What limited your ability to perform faster:


Event comments:

Cross is fun.

Last updated: 2010-10-10 12:00 AM
00:42:02 | 08.02 miles | 11.45 mile/hr
Age Group: 55/95
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Wind: None
Course: Magruder park in Hyattsville, MD
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]