Wichita Turkey Trot - Run10 Mile

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Wichita, Kansas
United States
Gregory Agency
40F / 4C
Total Time = 1h 45m 47s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Got there uber early so I could run 3 miles before hand - needed to get 13 total in today per my plan. I was bundled up in tights, skirt over tights (a girl has to look cute!), short sleeved tech shirt, arm warmers, winter gloves, and a headband. Too much!
Event warmup:

Stood around and got cold after my warm up run.
  • 1h 45m 47s
  • 10 miles
  • 10m 35s  min/mile

Turkey Trot 10-miler - chip timed race this year and LOT os peeps. Fun little local race.

All though I was bugged by a few things... they changed the route and in the first mile, you had to cross the Arkansas River on a narrow bridge and the flow came to a COMPLETE STANDSTILL. I am shocked no one slammed into the back of someone else. Very congested and... weird.

The first half kinda flew by (took my gloves off at mile 1), I was feeling great and having fun. Always cool to have an out-and-back where you can see the lead people and everyone you know coming the other way. The 1 water table had zero water by the time I ran by... they couldn't keep up. Meh.

After the turnaround, a yummy piglet passed me and cut in RIGHT in front of me, as to say "Here I am! Here is your pace booty!" I obliged by staying on his heels (probably a little too close) for the next solid mile. Lovely pace booty. Thank you sweaty-gray-shirt-cleveland-indians-hat-and-basketball-shorts-guy!

Then miles 6-9 were slow and tedious. I was slowing down, and my legs were getting tired. I wanted so badly to run the entire race without walking so I just trudged through. My right knee really hurt, and it kind of upset me. It left me wondering how I'm going to work up to 20, 22, and 24-mile runs by January/February. Hummmph.

Then at exactly 9.33 miles, my IT band completely seized up on my right leg. I felt like I was going to injure myself if I didn't stop and walk. I did, and it pizzed me off. 30 seconds later I was running again but man, shooot!

Ran it into the finish with absolutly no kick or energy. 4 or 5 girls passed me in the chute. Meh. Didn't care.

This was a fun little local race, but on a very narrow bike path most of the way. Women in Wichita need to learn to stay to the right and not walk 3 abreast! 70% of the time there was a woman completely blocking the path and no one could go around. I passed 4 or 5 times on the grassy/bumpy edge, but couldn't along the river because if I would have tripped, I would have fallen down the bank directly into the river. Gaaaah.

Still had fun hanging with the tri club peeps after the race. Not sure I will do it again though.

What would you do differently?:

Take ibuprofin before the race. Possibly carry my own water, but I was also carrying my gloves and my iPod. That would have been too much to juggle perhaps.
Post race
Warm down:

Got some water and hung out with tri club folks while we listened to the awards ceremony.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I got slower in the past 2 years training for longer distances. Oh and my pesky bum right knee. And an inexplicable IT band issue at mile 9. Lots of things working against me today.

Event comments:

Nice little local race but too congested on a very narrow bike path. On the plus side, it was chip timed for the first time this year. That was nice.

Last updated: 2010-11-09 12:00 AM
01:45:47 | 10 miles | 10m 35s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Course: Along the beautiful (but low!) Arkansas river.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3