Warrior Dash - Run5k

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Mountain City, Georgia
United States
61F / 16C
Total Time = 48m 24s
Overall Rank = 5807/
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 444/
Pre-race routine:

Left my house around 9am for the three-hour ride up to Mountain City. Rode with Donny and his wife, who were also competing. We parked off-site, met up with Nic and Ricky and rode the shuttle bus in to the starting point.
Event warmup:

Lots of walking around as Donny's wife tried (unsuccessfully) to locate a port-a-potty she thought was clean enough for her to use.
  • 48m 24s
  • 3.02 miles
  • 16m 02s  min/mile

Having run this race a year ago, I came into it with a plan of attack. Unfortunately, this year's obstacles were much more difficult. Things started out well with the first mile's run on pavement and gravel. The terrain was slightly downhill, then across the bottom field and back up to the lake.

My first step into the lake was waist-deep. So much for easing into the water. The water was cold, but not unbearable. I ended up swimming more than wading because walking in the chest-deep water was actually starting to hurt my ankle. My best guess at distance is 100-150 yards across. As a side note, that first step into the lake was the last time I was able to see clearly through my prescription sunglasses.

Immediately out of the water on the other side were three sets of junk cars to climb over with 10-15 yards of tires to step through before each set of cars. My plan of attack was to dive/slide/roll over the hoods of the cars. I thought this would require less energy than climbing all the way up on them to run across. I may need to rethink this strategy for next year.

Just past the cars were six walls (chest high to me) to climb over, with barbed wire in between them (about thigh high) that we had to crawl under. This obstacle killed me last year when there were only three walls and no barbed wire. Oh hell! The first three walls went pretty well, the last three - not so much. Adding to the fun was the 6-8 inches of mud I had to climb out of and jump down into when going over the walls and slide through going under the barbed wire. By the time I got over the last wall I was breathing pretty hard and my previously wet sunglasses were now covered in mud like the rest of me. For the second year in a row, these walls killed me. I need to find way to get better at them.

I alternated running and (mostly) walking the quarter mile or so to the next obstacle which was a 12-foot wooden wall with a rope to help pull yourself up. This was a new obstacle this year, but having seen it from the staging area I knew it was coming. This, however, did nothing to help me get over it. I lost a lot of time here trying to regain my breath and strength before going over.

Next up was a short, but steep embankment with tires on it for traction. This is where the rope climb was last year, which was too easy. The tires weren't much more difficult. This is a good area for them to come up with something better.

After the tire climb came the cargo net climb. Last year, this was one of the harder obstacles for me. This year it was one of the easiest. I guess it's all relative as the earlier wall obstacles totally kicked my butt. I also picked up a tip to climb on the thicker ropes where they linked the nets together.

Next up was a steep, muddy climb up a trail to a set of horizontal cargo nets stretched out about six feet above the ground. I considered trying to walk across the center beam, but with the number of people on the net and possible consequences of slipping, I opted to crawl my way across like everyone else. This obstacle wasn't so much difficult as it was awkward to navigate. Once across, there was another climb up the muddy trail before it leveled out for about a half mile.

The last obstacle in the woods was a long, black tent with beams underneath requiring you to crawl under them in the dark. I followed the lead of the guy in front of me and just rolled all the way across. I distinctly remember hitting a rock somewhere under there which is likely responsible for the baseball-sized bruise I have on my lower back today.

It's all downhill from here!

The trail down to the finishing obstacles was muddy, but not nearly as bad as the trail up. I was able to run down it and passed a good number of people along the way. Next up was the big wet plastic slide down into the mud pit. I hit this one on a dead run and slid feet first like a baseball player. This proved to be a good comparison as some poor young lady had somehow stopped sliding about a foot off the bottom of the slide. I had no control once I hit the slide and just as she got to her feet I took her out like I was breaking up a double play. After checking to make sure she still had all her limbs, I headed on down through the mud pit.

The mud pit seemed to be played up a lot more last year. Once again it was about 30 yards of mud under a number of barbed wire strands which forced you to crawl through the slop. Not much strategy here other than crawl as fast as you can. Just down the hill from the mud was the final water obstacle. It consisted of crawling over large logs in waist-deep water. This wasn't terribly challenging, but did serve as a good bath after all that mud.

Home stretch! Climbing out of the water, I sprinted (ok, limped slowly) the last couple hundred yards jumping two walls of fire to the finish line.

I guess the best part about finishing last amongst your friends is that they're all there cheering for you at the end ... even if they're only cheering the fact that you are bleeding too. I couldn't help thinking about one of our MG's quote upon the realization that "I'm bleeding? Where?" Turns out I had blood running down my left arm from a cut on my elbow, and on my left leg where I had cuts and abrasions from my knee down to my ankle. I have no idea when or where either happened.

What would you do differently?:

First, I need to be in better shape overall. I need to figure out a way to tackle those walls without wearing myself out. My upper body strength needs the most work and, while my endurance is getting better, it still needs improvement. Losing 30 pounds or so wouldn't hurt either. Beyond conditioning, the biggest change I would make is carrying something to clean my glasses with.
Post race
Warm down:

Free beer and a turkey leg!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My weight, upper body strength and overall conditioning.

Event comments:

Great race again this year and definitely harder than last year's. I need to improve myself if I am going to run a better race here. Can't wait to see what they bring next year!

Last updated: 2010-12-26 12:00 AM
00:48:24 | 03.02 miles | 16m 02s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Below average
Course: The course covered just over three miles of various terrain from flat pavement to steep muddy trails with a number of obstacles interspersed throughout. Did I mention it was muddy?
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race?
Course challenge Too hard
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4