Warrior Dash Louisiana - Run5k

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Norco, Louisiana
United States
Red Frog Events
66F / 19C
Total Time = 47m 18s
Overall Rank = 1094/2743
Age Group = W 25-29
Age Group Rank = 47/300
Pre-race routine:

Alarm went off at 5am and I was up, dressed and out the door within 10 minutes for the 2.25 hour drive to the site. Sipped water (that tasted like dish detergent) on the drive down. Parked and caught the shuttle to the event site, got my packet and munched on a granola bar. This was my first time doing an obstacle race like this so I went in with no real expectation. I did want to finish in less than an hour and had a long shot goal of less than 45 minutes. The recent pouring rain made everything soupy so I knew it was going to be slow going. I was in the first wave of the day, I planned that because I knew as more people went over the course it would just get more and more muddy.
Event warmup:

Stretched really well and looked over parts of the course I could see from the starting area. Basically just relaxed and mentally prepared myself for the slashing that was about to come. With about 15 minutes to the start I made my way to the corrall and seeded myself mid pack. I'm not a fast runner but had planned to push it a little between the obstacles then take my time on the obstacles. This isn't an A race and falls in the middle of training for a tri April 2nd, so the last thing I wanted to do was fall off an obstacle and get hurt. They started the countdown and BOOM! Fire shot up, fireworks went off and we started moving.
  • 47m 18s
  • 3.18 miles
  • 14m 52s  min/mile

We started off in some tall grass over soft ground, few puddles here and there. For the most part I was pleased that I was keeping up with the pack and actually passing some people. I wanted to maintain a pace that was easy for me since I knew it was going to be a tough 3 miles. Within the first 1/8th mile we had to cross through a small creek/drainage area with neck deep water. Thankfully it was only about 6-8 feet across, but after that point the water remained ankle to mid shin deep. Running in that was really taking it out of me. Made it to the first obstacle, hay bales. Up and over and I learned then that I was going to be faster than most people on the obstacles. It just was natural for me. Shortly after the hay bales I got a serious side stitch... not enough water this morning and I should have eaten a second granola bar. I was still starving at the start of the race. The stitch slowed me to a walk for most of the first half of the course. I would jog as long as I could then walk to let the stitch work out. At the halfway point I took a cup of water to hopefully hydrate myself better. After the water the stitch eased up and there were more obstacles and less deep water and mud, so I was able to jog more. Over the M frame, the rope bridge, through the spider webs and pitch black tunnel. We navigated through the woods on a single track, several people slipped and fell in mud puddles, I was being really careful with foot placement, I did NOT want to twist an ankle or knee. For the last mile we could hear the band at the finish line, but kept weaving closer to it, then farther away. The last half mile was a lot of shin deep water that I had to walk through, my entire body was exhausted at that point. Over the car hoods and through the tires passing more people, then finally the finish chute. I wasn't sure I'd be able to climb the cargo net, but up and over I went, passing probably 8-10 people in the process. Down the chute and over the fires, again not sure I'd have the energy to jump high enough to clear them, but hop 1, hop 2 and into the water under the barbed wire. I think it was supposed to be a mud pit, but with the massive amounts of rain we had the day before it was more of a wading pond. I was able to just barely reach the bottom with my arms to pull myself along while keeping my head out of the water. Then more walking in knee deep water for about 50 feet, then finally dry land for the last 50 feet to the finish line. Thumbs up and a big smile as I crossed the line. Whew... killer 3 miles.
What would you do differently?:

Try to start closer to the front so I didn't have to wait on people at the obstacles. I found myself losing 30 seconds to a full minute at most obstacles waiting on slower people, I tried not to be rude when I passed them, but there were a few that I bumped into on stuff like the rope bridge and cargo net. I also needed to eat and drink more before the race. I deal with side stitches quite often, but never that early into a run and that severe. Overall run fitness needs to be way better.
Post race
Warm down:

Grabbed a cup of water and my finishers medal. Headed to bag check to get my duffel. It was threatening rain and I was soaked and starting to get chilled so I decided to catch the shuttle to parking and head home. I did stop to change shoes, my shoes were caked with mud inside and I just wanted clean feet. Threw my socks away and stuffed my shoes in a plastic bag. AHHHH... dry feet. Took the shuttle back to the truck where I sneakily changed into some dry windsuit pants and shirt. Drank some water and ate a banana on the way home. Got an email later that tornado warnings had shut down the afternoon events, so I'm glad I scheduled an early morning wave.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Overall run fitness. My tri training plan is bike and swim focused so I have only been doing 2 runs a week, and those have been in the 1.5 to 2.5 mile range. It's also just hard to train for something like this, I did some trail runs, but never through water and deep mud or over obstacles. I also felt slowed at the obstacle by other people, but mostly if I had been able to run more and faster I wouldn't have been behind them to start with.

Event comments:

This is a great event. They had really tough conditions to deal with since the weather had been horrible for a few days prior to the event. The number of volunteers was outstanding. It is such a unique event and they have it down to a fine science. I will for sure do this event next year if they have it here again, and I want to be in the front of the starting pack!

Last updated: 2011-01-20 12:00 AM
00:47:18 | 03.18 miles | 14m 52s  min/mile
Age Group: 47/300
Overall: 1094/2743
Performance: Good
Course: Winding course through the woods and down some logging roads. Very muddy and mostly covered with ankle to mid shin deep water. Obstacles scattered along the 3 miles course.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4