Comments: Day 1 of the Pelican Challenge (half marathons on both Saturday and Sunday) turned out to be a good day. My plan was to have a good hard run on Saturday, and an easy jog on Sunday. So far so good! I lined up in the middle of the pack at the start line. I figure this error cost me a couple of minutes, as the pack to quite a while to thin out and passing on this course is fairly difficult due to congestion and two-way traffic. First few miles were all 9-min+. At the start of the second lap, I picked up the pace and ran most of this lap at 8-min miles. Aid stations were great....pleanty of volunteers and cups were big and full compared to a lot of races. Trails are good footings and pancake flat. They're actually fairly scenic. You run along several bayous, and one of the turn-arounds is right on the edge of the bay. In terms of overall effort, I'd give this an 8 out of 10. What would you do differently?: 1. Start further forward. 2. Pick up the pace earlier. 3. My garmin filled it's lap buffer durring this race and got so annoying with beeps and buzzes, I turned it off around mile 11.5. Clear laps prior to racing! Post race
What limited your ability to perform faster: I figure this race was a few minutes slower than my potential. With more work, I should be able to get this distance down into the low 1:40's. Event comments: This race is just what it claims to be.....a small, well organized trail run on easy, flat, scenic trails. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Last updated: 2011-02-13 12:00 AM
United States
Seabrook Lucky Trails Marathon Weekend
75F / 24C
Overall Rank = 66/542
Age Group = M40-49
Age Group Rank = 16/68
I live about an hour and a half from the race site, so an early morning drive is my routine and warm-up all rolled into one. Left the house about 5:00, and got there in pleanty of time to pick up the chip and stand in line for the outhouse.