Gold Coast Airport Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Gold Coast, Queensland
Gold Coast Events Management Ltd
15C / 59F
Total Time = 2h 12m 5s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up after a very good night's sleep and had some toast and a cup of coffee. Got a visit from the 'poop fairy' which was timely. Got picked up by a mate who drove me to the race. It's only a 15 minute drive from my home so there was no time for getting nervous.
Event warmup:

Popped a gel prior to race start and visited the port-a-potties. Jumped the barricades to enter the 'fray'.
  • 2h 12m 5s
  • 21.1 kms
  • 06m 16s  min/km

Having lay out my kit the night before I was careful not to forget anything - which I didn't.
I got to the race and did some light stretching while my mate got a coffee. I got a call of nature and went to visit the port-a-potty. By the time I got through the line-up for the 'facilities' it was almost race time. I decided to jump into the race queue and wait for the start.
Having positioned myself in the queue for the race I realised that I didn't bring my Gels or my cap with me. D'oh!
With around 9,000 runners lined up to race this disctance there is no shortage of body-heat at the start line. I prefer (very) cool conditions for running so the 'hot' bodies and the mild conditions made for less than perfect conditions for me. Having said that, I didn't suffer at all.
The gun went off and the Elite runners set-off. A minute or so later the AGers got to go. By the time my group got through the start line some 4 or 5 minutes had elapsed.
The first 5-6kms were really uncomfortable for me. I struggled my way around the masses and that made it really hard to get into any sort of rhythmn. It wasn't until I passed through the second aid station that the crowds thinned and I was able to get into the groove. Checking my Garmin I realised that I was pacing at around 15 seconds per km slower than my goal.
Strangely I wasn't too concerned with this and was more focussed on finding a rhythmn and actually running the whole way.
The second 7km of the race became much more comfortable and I began passing more and more people. I actually got to wondering how on earth people seed themselves as some of the people I was overtaking looked like they had no right to be in the groups they had placed themselves into!
Anyway, I passed through kilometres 16, 17 and 18 and was feeling really good.
Suddenly I was hit, severely, with cramps in my hamstrings. It pulled me up instantly. Unfortunately for me the minute I stopped I was bowled over by some guy running backwards! Apparently he was running backwards as he was cramping also and decided that running backwards would use some different muscle groups.... #rollseys
I took about 90 seconds to stretch and hoped that this would be enough to get me through. Fortunately it was and the last 1500m were the quickest of the race.
Without the cramp and the lost time from stretching I would have negative split the race.
As soon as I crossed the line I collected my medal, shirt and drink and met up with my mate. Thrity minutes later I was home.
What would you do differently?:

Not forget my gels and cap.
Post race
Warm down:

When I got home I waded through our pool. As it is the middle of Winter here that was like an ice bath - great for recovery

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The masses of people in the event - I couldn't find a good rhythmn early enough.

Event comments:

This is a great event and is very poular, possibly too poular!

Last updated: 2011-02-22 12:00 AM
02:12:05 | 21.1 kms | 06m 16s  min/km
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
1 05:59 2 05:54 3 06:01 4 06:19 5 06:18 6 06:19 7 06:19 8 06:19 9 06:17 10 06:25 11 06:15 12 06:13 13 06:05 14 06:12 15 06:20 16 06:13 17 06:21 18 06:13 19 06:16 20 07:23 21 05:45 22 00:38
Course: This is a very flat out and back course. The only elevations are a few bridges over some canal around the housing estates - no more that a few metres each in elevation
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 5