Mokuleia Time Trial - CycleTime Trial

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Mokuleia, Hawaii
United States
82F / 28C
Total Time = 31m 53s
Overall Rank = 9/113
Age Group = Cat 4/5
Age Group Rank = 3/21
Pre-race routine:

Not exactly ideal pre-race. No taper. Rode 47 miles on Saturday with some hard efforts in there. By no means an "easy" ride, but not hard either I suppose. I could feel some fatigue in my legs when I woke up in the morning.

Also got a call from a friend at 8:30 pm to have a few beers. I figured my race start time wasn't until 8:43 am, so I could afford to go out. Had about 4 beers, but had to chill for an hour or so to make sure I was sober for the short drive home. Ended up getting home at about 1am.

Woke up at around 5:15...and lucky thing my mental alarm is good, because I realized my alarm clock wasn't set...LOL. Either way, I can't remember the last time I slept past 6:30 am anyway.

Luckily I prepped everything the day before. Threw the bike on the rack ate a light breakfast and drove out to the race site.
Event warmup:

Spun on my trainer for about 25-30 minutes. Couple of hard efforts, but not much. Just wanted to break a sweat.
  • 31m 53s
  • 12.72 miles
  • 23.94 mile/hr

Started off a bit too hard because of the adrenaline. But quickly settled down to about 270 watts. My goal was to start at 260, but 270 felt about right at the time. I was pleasantly holding 25 mph on the way out, which is slightly with the wind. But the big curveball was that the course was not 10 miles as advertised. I planned my effort based on being out there for 26-28 minutes. I hit the turnaround over 15 minutes. I knew the way back would be slower, so now I was having doubts about going out too hard...simply because the course was longer than I expected.

Coming back wasn't as bad as I thought. There were some areas that we were shielded from the wind, but others it really slowed you down. My power was dropping to the 240-250 range at times, but I gutted it out to try and keep it as high as possible.

I should have rode or driven the course before, or at least displayed the distance on my I would have a gauge at when the finish was (by simply doubling the distance of the half way point). As I thought I was approaching the finish, I put down a burst, only to realize the finish was not there. Power shortly dropped under 200 for a while, but then I saw the start/finish tent and gave all I had the last 90 seconds.

I did manage to stay aero the entire time, with the exception of the hair pin turn around. I was very pleased that I held my tuck, and kept my head looking forward for almost the entire ride.
What would you do differently?:

Scout/drive the course.
Post race
Warm down:

I talked with some teammates and decided to stick around. I knew I did well, but didn't think I would place. To my surprise, I took 3rd for Cat 4/5. One of my teammates took 1st, he was 38 seconds faster.

It was my first podium ever. Small race, only 21 people in my division, but I'll take it. The top 2 overall finishers, who are by far the strongest riders in the state came in at 28:09 and 28:29 just for perspective.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Maybe a better taper and more rest (less beer) the night before. This was a just for fun, but go balls to the wall race for me. Maybe I could have shaved off 15-25 seconds if I really focused on this race.

Event comments:

This is our team race. No timing chips, but was still done well. Turn around was well done.

Last updated: 2011-02-23 12:00 AM
00:31:53 | 12.72 miles | 23.94 mile/hr
Age Group: 3/21
Overall: 9/113
Performance: Good
Avg Power 268 watts Norm Power 270 watts
Wind: Some
Course: Course is a simple out and back. It was advertised at 10 miles, but it was closer to 13. Rough patches at the start and finish, but really nice roads during the middle 8 miles.
Road: Rough Dry Cadence: 98
Turns: Average Cornering:
Gear changes: Good Hills:
Race pace: Hard Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4