Cranberry Country Triathlon - TriathlonOlympic

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Lakeville, Massachusetts
United States
Bay State Triathlon Team
Total Time = 3h 12m 26s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 34/40
Pre-race routine:

First of all it was only 48 degrees :) AARGGHH took all the fleece I brought with me. Got up, ate half a muffin. Gathered stuff and got packed up in the mini-winnie. Ate the other 1/2 muffin in the car. Had the mandatory 2 diet cokes. Got a primo parking place for the mini-winnie...The advantage of being in the biggest vechicle at the venue? Got my tires pumped at the bike help placed and set up transition. Found Kathy and we went and sat for a little witht he folks. Saw MMMAAAAAXXXXX. Big hugs :) Met MAY :) Met Ellen :) I've been talking to her for 2 years and finally MET HER!!!Had forgotten timing chip in trasition so went and got that.
Event warmup:

Walked around and did a little swim with Kathy. Tried to stay warm. Ate my sharlies about 45 minutes before race start. Luckily they were stoking the fire for the post race BBQ right near the swim start. Hung out with all my new BT friends and Ms.Emily.
  • 24m 54s
  • 1593 yards
  • 01m 34s / 100 yards

WOW this was a totally kick ass swim for me. WAY faster than I have ever gone. My PB for 100 yards is 1:31...course my have been a little short but even if it was it was STILL a kick ass swim for me.

The entrance to the swim was tiny. I knew from talking with Kathy right at the first buoy it was real shallow to the right so I tried to position myself to the left. As usual tried to start towards the front just behind the eager beavers...might as well get a draft right!! First 100 yards or so to the first buoy were a little congested but then

TALK ABOUT MIDDLE OF THE PACK....geez..there was a cluster of white caps, then me by myself then another cluster of white caps. For a while I thought I was last but at the turn I could see a bunch of people behind me. At the first turn I started passing people from other waves. Truned through the cove and was able to cut the corner nicely. This was where the water was SO GROSS, and probably why I have a sore ear and thoat today. You could see all this particulate crap floating in the water..I was like EEEWWW PPHHT PHHTTT. THe last leg went by quickly and I picked it up a notch. Swam almost all the way to shore and hit my watch...I was so psyched I went uinder 25 minutes which was my stretch goal.
What would you do differently?:

Not a best swim ever.....
Transition 1
  • 02m 43s

Everything is relative. All the MA people thought the transition was far from the swim exit...well come on down to FL where you have to run 1/2 mile to get to transition.. this was a breeze. Had trouble getting the wetsuit off my stupid calves as always (body glide is WORTHLESS) Went fine...I walke part of the way from swim exit to the coral.
What would you do differently?:

Run more of the transition. Not much.
  • 1h 23m 24s
  • 25.9 miles
  • 18.63 mile/hr

I was on my old re-named pricess Roo..I rode her the day before and it was OK. First 10 miles were fine. Passed DK about mile 5. I think I did very well for someone with no hills to train on. Also in addition to no hills to go up I also have no hills to go DOWN..that was FUN. After that I had trouble getting from big ring to small. SO the girl who cannot train hills in on a hilly course with no small ring HUMPH. Turns out the girl I lent the bike too had changed some stuff on it and didn't tell me til after the race. Oh well...probably lost a little time but it was fine. I'm really glad I rode that bike in the is race because without a doubt it is too small for me. I am very glad I bought a new bike. I was just feeling really cramped front to back and couldn't breathe well and got a side stitch. Probably why when I got one off the bike at my HIM when I was pushing into the wind. Bike course was a little long so I kind of didn't know how far from the finish I was.
What would you do differently?:

Bring Quinn :) Train hills
Transition 2
  • 02m 25s

Most important thing is no blisters. I'm a bad enough runner without blisters. A little extra care prevents this. Sat down, washed and dried feet, socks and shoes on, grabbed a bottle on NUUN, my hat and race belt...saw my parents and they were taking pictures etc. Rob ran past me at the exit and I said Hi but he was too focused to notice. Decided since it was realatively chilly I didn't want the nuun and threw it off almost immediately. Ended up being fine with what was ont he race course
What would you do differently?:

not much. I got goofy feet and I will be crippled if I don't take some blister prevention time so its fine
  • 1h 18m 53s
  • 6.3 miles
  • 12m 31s  min/mile

Well first of all this is my 3rd oly and my best run time in a oly. Second despite that I was DFL for the run for THE ENTIRE RACE...HUMPH. Not much else to say. I did the best I could. I've been plagued with injuries. I ran about 95% of it. EVERYONE passed me. My timing chip was cutting into my achilles and I stopped about 5 times to try to fix it in various ways to no avail. I was having a great last dowhill mile and I knew I was close because the end of the bike paralelled the end of the run. I thought geez I'm almost there I can run in and I will have a PB...then this stupid (*$#&^$# says its only 4 10th left..OK I REALLY didn't need to hear that...I thought it was like 2 10ths..I could have RUN the rest of the way if she didn't burst my bubble...AAAARGGHHHH

Bottom line is I really didn't want to excerbate my tendonitis. I needed to take it easy and not kill myself. IMFL is the goal right now. I came to the conclusion that all NE triathletes were runners in a former life. I only saw one other person take a walk break. Oh well onward and upward. It would be really nice to do a race uninjured tho.
What would you do differently?:

Not be injured, learn to run.
Post race
Warm down:

Came up thru the shoot and my mom and dad, aunt, and cousins were all there cheering me on. That was really nice. The BTers were all on the other side. My cousin is a PT/ATC and she stretched me out after the race which was awesome and really helped a lot. Took down transition.

My dad just drove the mini winnie right up in the middle of the grass and we had a big ole BT party!!! Lots of fun meeting new people and catching up with online buddies. Nice BBQ.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

INJURY INJURY INJURY, No hills to train on, can't train run properly due to injury. I figured out that in 2 years of doing tris I have been uninjured for all of 12 weeks....and that wasn't even consecutive. I might have done a hair better on Quinn.

Event comments:

This is PB at OLY distance for me and the course was long. Also PB 10K for me (OK so I have only done 3 10Ks and they were in my 3 olys) SO even tho it is uber slow its still improvement for me. I was hoping to go sub 3 hours but I knew it would come down to the run as always and not making my injury worse was more important than anything else. Honestly, I could have stopped after the swim and been a happy girl because that was a tremendous swim for me. I knew the bike wouldn't be my best because I was back on little Roo and because of hills. I'm OK with it.

I read Jorges Timberman race report the day before Cranberry and one of the things that dawned on me while readin it is that we all get to the start thru very different routes and you never know how the person next to you got to the start line. We all have a story and its more complicated than just stepping up to the line. Kathy G is an inspiration losing more than 85# Ellen too losing a ton of Weight, Aaron like me has fought injury, Others have fought battles of their own just to get there. Everyones finish is a triumph regardless of the time on the clock.

This was a great weekend of meeting new people, some of whom I have been "talking" with on BT for 2 years. Kathy and Kevin put on a great party for us Saturday. I got to meet my coach live and in person. We had a great party afterwards. I hope everyone else had a great time too :)

Last updated: 2006-03-21 12:00 AM
00:24:54 | 1593 yards | 01m 34s / 100yards
Age Group: 8/40
Overall: 40/
Performance: Good
Swim around the edge of the pond. A bit wonky but pretty easy. No sun so easy to sight
Suit: promotion sleeveless
Course: Around the edge of the lake. As above, a bit funky but easy enough as there was no sun in my eyes and easy to follow course
Start type: Wade Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 02:43
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Good
01:23:24 | 25.9 miles | 18.63 mile/hr
Age Group: 19/40
Overall: 40/
Performance: Average
Beautiful course thru typical NE countryside :) MMMMMM HOME
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Gorgeous NE course. Nice rolling hills, lots of cranberry bogs mmmmmm HOME. Road was a bit rough in places
Road: Rough Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Below average Hills: Average
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 02:25
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Average
01:18:53 | 06.3 miles | 12m 31s  min/mile
Age Group: 40/40
Overall: 40/
Performance: Bad
big loop
Course: big loop
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4