![]() Swim
Comments: My swim came in under my goal time of 10 minutes. The swim was very smooth, breathing was excellent and I was even able to pass one of my competitors, which NEVER happens. Langton Hall is one building north of Dixon Hall, where the other pool is, so it adds about 400 yards of running to get to the transition area. For that reason Langton Hall competitors are allowed to put shoes on the pool deck for the run to the transition area. I completed my swim in about 9:30, exited the pool, got my shoes on & fastened my Yankz!, pulled on an Under Armour henley style sweatshirt (it is called the Beaver Freezer for a reason, for crying out loud) and crossed the timing chip mats as I exited Langton in 10:34. What would you do differently?: Maybe run a little faster from Langton to T1. ![]() Transition 1
Comments: Smooth transition, number belt went right on, helmet went right on and I was out of there. Ran with my bike and bottle necked with three other competitors @ the bike race timing chip mats, but it didn't slow any of us down much. 2nd fastest T1 in the Langton Mtn Bike division, 8th fastest Langton T1 overall. Races are won and lost in transition. CRITICAL ACTIVITY!!! What would you do differently?: Get faster next year. Every second counts. 65 seconds difference between 1st & 4th place in the men's road bike division. That's ridiculous! REHEARSE YOUR TRANSITIONS!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Bike
Comments: Bike split went well, did not miss any shifts. Chain didn't come off like it did last year >:-( Drank two packets of GU Brew mixed in 32 oz. water in squeeze bottle during slower uphill segments. Had practiced that extensively so it went well. Also turned on my intermittant timer on my watch during the bike race and counted an average 96 cadence a couple times during the race. A HUGE THANK YOU to OSU Triathlon team member Cole, who took me to the bike shop he works at, Corvallis Cyclery, and swapped out my bent 42T big chainring with a 44T, and then tuned the holy heck out of my bike. That changed my average speed from 17.5 MPH in training to an 18.5 MPH pace during the race. NO WAY I would have broke through a 40 minute bike split without Cole's help, so THANK YOU COLE!!!! What would you do differently?: Hopefully get a little faster for next year :] My bike split came in ahead of my 40 minute goal so I cannot complain. ![]() Transition 2
Comments: Very smooth T2. 59 seconds was the fastest T2 split in the Mtn bike race & the 3rd fastest T2 overall. TRIATHLONS ARE WON AND LOST IN TRANSITION. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse transitions. What would you do differently?: Try to get a little faster next year. ![]() Run
Comments: The run went well for me. I counted a 94 cadence on my intermittant timer and felt strong at a 6:94 kick. I parked it behind a gal wearing a 2009 Seattle Marathon Finisher shirt who seemed like she was hauling ass. I couldn't catch her, but she couldn't drop me so I figured that if I didn't blow up I'd record a nice run split :] That worked out well. We passed a lot of people and lapped a dude wearing a SF Giants ball cap backwards. I should have thanked her for pacing me but I never saw her again after we crossed the finish line. What would you do differently?: I don't think I could have done anything differently. ![]() Post race
Warm down: 5 minutes of Vinyassa Yoga in the finishers area. What limited your ability to perform faster: Just my fitness level. Event comments: I've never won my age group, much less a race, so winning the race and setting the Langton Hall Mtn Bike Triathlon course record, the day before my 40th birthday nonetheless, was a dream come true. The culmination of training, nutrition and hydration all coming together at the right time feels unbelievable. I'll be back next year on the hunt for the Dixon Hall Mtn Bike Tri record. Hope to see you all there :] Last updated: 2011-03-02 12:00 AM
United States
Oregon State University Triathlon Club
50F / 10C
Overall Rank = 1/74
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/13
0500 - Awaken
0515 - Two 12 oz. cups of coffee & 2 ClifBars, 1 multivitamin & my Osteo Bioflex joint supplement.
0530 - Dress in race gear that was laid out the night before the race.
0545 - BM. Not to be gross but it is a critical prerace function.
0600 - 10 minutes of light Vinyassa Yoga to prepare for the race.
0630 - One bottle of 5 Hour Energy and hydration/electrolyte preload with two 20 oz. bottles of Ironman electrolyte replacement drink.
0700 - load bike & gear in the car, triple check hotel room & drive to race.
0715 - Check in & body marking. Find my spot in the bike rack in the transition area & attach big, orange OSU mylar balloon to the rack so I do not waste time searching for my spot when I come back in for T2, like I did last year >:-( Laid out my helmet and my FuelBelt race number belt on my transition towel for T1.
0745 - Made my way to Langton Hall, used therestroom one last time, made my way to the pool & found a quiet spot on the bench to watch several swim heats before mine and to close my eyes and go into my quiet place for a while.
0845 - Made my way to the small warm up pool with my heat competitors and swam 1 warm up lap.
0850 - Ate 1 GU Rocktane 2xcaffeine gel and made my way over to the swim start.