Ironman Wisconsin - TriathlonFull Ironman

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Madison, Wisconsin
United States
Ironman North America
88F / 31C
Total Time = 11h 52m 4s
Overall Rank = 414/2700
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 12/132
Pre-race routine:

*** I dont meant to come off as negative in this...I think I am a little burnt out and maybe put too much pressure on myself***

Well.... lets start with the crappy week I had before the race:)
My shoulder had been bugging me from swimming then I fell off my bikea few weeks ago and landed on it. It was really sore even after not swimming 2 weeks so I finally decided to go to the doctor on Friday.... last minute...usually how I roll.
Then Saturday I wake up and my eye is killing me..watery painful very light sensitive. Guess I scartched my cornea or something. Luckily it got better as the day went on. I met KT65 at lunch and she happened to be an optomestrist! OK so that was good luck. She said I was doing the right things aqnd shed get me meds if it wasnt feeling better that night.

I did go buy some tinted goggles just in case...

Other then that I kind of stayed away from all the nervous anxiety as much as possible. Picked up my stuff Thur afternnon and hanged with AJ and Craig for a while which was nice. Lines were super short.
Then went back home til Sat. Even went to work a few hrs sat morning.

Didnt sleep that great Sat night. Did try to get some ensure down whenever I got up to go to the bathroom. Drank maybe half of it
Event warmup:

No warm up...dropped my SN bags... got some starbucks saw Birkie in there. Also talked to Heather Haviland...she is such a nice person. Think they were both happy to NOT be racing:)
I actually got in the water a little earlier then the past 6:55 :)
Positioned myself a little right and to the back of the ski ramp.... who knows...I have yet to find a good starting place

  • 1h 25m 16s
  • 4224 yards
  • 02m 01s / 100 yards

ugh... I was actually hoping for closer to 1:15 before all the shoulder crap and lack of swimming.
I actually felt like I swam super straight for once and was hoping that would be enough to get me a 1:20.
This was really a brutal swim. I dont even think the first lap requires swim skill it requires navigation and do not freak out skills. I really felt like I was stuck with no where to go for a long time. Hoped I was at least getting a draft and not using much energy.
Shoulder felt ok until the 3rd turn... I am guessing that is what slowed me down. I mean swim times domnt really usually get slower:)
2cnd lap was better.
Was really dissapointed in my time. But what can I do....

What would you do differently?:

mmm... not have shoulder issues:)
Transition 1
  • 06m 32s

this was OK. Tried to move fast
Ran up the helix which really isnt that much fun:)
Got my bag- was super easy to find. Had a volunteer and she dumped it. OMG...WTF... I forgot to put my sunglasses in there. I didnt put them in originally cuz I was gonna have them tightened...ummm they were still sitting on the desk at the hotel. Damn it. Ugh 112 mile bike in the sun and wind... fun times.
Grabbed my shoes and helmet and nutrition and ran with it all... then decided I really could run with all this crap so dropped it all put my helmet on and stuffed my pockets. Bike was close to the bike exit so I put my shoes on down there
When I put my helmet on but didnt strap it...duh. So I had to stop and have a volunteer hold my bike while I strapped it...ugh
What would you do differently?:

Have my head on better. I think I got it knocked off in the swim :)
  • 5h 52m 4s
  • 112 miles
  • 19.09 mile/hr

Well... I was a little down mentally with the swim and kind of was ready to make up for it on the bike. Luckily it was super slow going getting out of town tons of people and one person down under the bridge so we were all going pretty slow.
Honeslty I probally pushed a little harder then I planned but for the most part stayed in control. I figure biking is my strength just ride steady and stay comfy. Watts were looking pretty good.
Was really fairly uneventful. Having a less then stellar swim I got to pass and see a ton of people. Nice seeing some of my friends and BT peeps.
Was getting pretty warm and sunny out there...warmer then I thought it would be. Did an ok job getting my nutrition in. Dropped my shot blocks after having just one. They were kind of a maybe I will eat these if I want something more, so not that tragic. Made up for it by grabbing some bananas when I could.
Got to SN where I was going to replace 2 of my infinit bottles....well one was empty. Someone obviously didnt have the top closed tight (hmmm.... someone probaly me:)) So I took the one and was off. Grabbed a perform or 2 along the way. I trained with these just in case something like this would happed...yeah score one for me:)
Second loop was windier hotter and slower. Oh well. My PT went psycho at mile 80ish...kind fo before Cross Plains... showed HOST like it does when you plug it in to download... WTF?? stayed like that 5 miles then reset itself. Althoiugh I still have all my data?? Weird
Saw lots of friends on the hills which was great. Ben was great (Chasing Kona) Awesome job out there Ben...cracked me up. Also loved the "naked" guys...had to laugh at them every time. Saw my family in verona which was also awesome.... they are so great to come watch me all day:)
Had a tail wind the way in..think I averaged 22.5 the last 20 miles...ha.

Moved from 1653 place to 598th :) That is passing a lot of people.

I usually really LOVE the bike portion but I really was not into it.

The thing that bothered me most on the bike was my throat...why I had a sore throat not sure... still have it. Maybe it was dry in the hotel maybe I am getting sick... who knows.

Ave watts 151 (60ish%)
NP 167 (70ish %)
Something was a bit screwy with the tap though cuz it had it at 5:49 and 19.6 mph...OH well I wish :)

What would you do differently?:

Maybe ease into it a bit more... think I did OK. Never pushed to hard. Maybe try to take in a bit more because of the heat

Was hoping for a 545 to 550 so not to far off
Transition 2
  • 06m 32s

Really felt good getting off the bike. Legs were pretty solid feeling. I mean I could tell I biked 112 miles but nothiung hurt or was tight. Cool.

Grabbed my stuff....very few people in T2. Volunteer couldnt get my bag open so I grabbed it and ripped it....yeesh like I have all day!
Changed HR straps. (used PT for bike garmin for run) put my socks shoes visor on and was out. they got me 2 glasses of water too which was great. They stuffed my gels in my pocket and I was out. The girl next to me was bitching that the bike was 113 miles at least... Oh well we all biked it whatever it was:)
I FINALLY got to pee... I had to pee since the swim. How I managed to get all the fluids in I did and never have to stop is beyond me. Felt like I was in there a long time:)
What would you do differently?:

this was acceptable
  • 4h 34m 4s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 10m 28s  min/mile

Ugh... really wanted to have a 4 hr run and there is really no reason I shouldnt be able to.
Kept pace at about a 9:10 pace finished the first half in 2 hours. Felt ok. Just walked the aid was hot. Always grabbed 2 waters maybe some ice. I always like the oarnge slices to...was doing a gel about every three miles. I could feel my calves and hamstrings tightening up...esp on the hills.
Mile 10 was my last gel. Mile 13 I couldnt get it down. Not much sounded good- Felt like I needed salt. So I would take the pretzels and suck on them and then spit them out. HA.
Oarnges were OK coke was ok and I could do the broth for a little while too. Things just got worse as I was able to take in less and less. Damn it.
Saw Ms Kelly at the half and at first I asked he if she could run 9 min miles with me. She said no way not today.... well eventually she was trying to get me to run with her...Thanks Kelly! Also ran with Nicole for a while..although she was running my pace she was walking far less then I :)
Met some great people out there everyone (most everyone) is very encouraging.
I really struggled at the end but just tried to run as much as I could and tried hard to get some fluids in.
Kelly said I could easily break 12 hours. I stopped looking at my watch and garmin when things got pathetically slow. I told her I didnt really care what my time was. She laughed and said yes I did and to keep running.

So in I ran.

Was happy to be done.

Even though I wasnt thrilled with this I still moved up almost 200 places and moved up 2 more in the AG

The catchers wanted me to walk. I said no way I want to sit. they said walk I said no. Ha... I sat. they got me some Sierra Mist..hmmm that tasted good...why wasnt that on the course!?:)
I said I was OK. Went off to find my family and Jodi and Scott.

Again it just wasnt as fun as I remember it being.
I did say Id be happy with sub 12 and I am. Its a pretty respectable time for a girl I think. I just know I am capable of more.

What would you do differently?:

I dont know. I train in the heat.
I dont really like enduolytes much but probaly could have used some today.
I definitly didnt start out to fast like I thought I did...was pretty steady the first half. I just feel apart.
Post race
Warm down:

whined a bit :)

What limited your ability to perform faster:

my shoulder for one.
If anyone knows the answer to the rest let me know:)

I was really mentally not into this. I didnt want to be out there at all. I feel like I put out a good physical effort but mentally it was hard to do. I think I may have even cried on the run once or twice...well I dont think tears came out though;)

Event comments:

IM always does a good job with this
IMWI is an great race...well not that I have done any others....yet;)

Last updated: 2011-03-09 12:00 AM
01:25:16 | 4224 yards | 02m 01s / 100yards
Age Group: 83/132
Overall: 1653/2700
Performance: Below average
Start type: Plus:
Water temp: 0F / 0C Current:
200M Perf. Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 06:32
Performance: Below average
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
05:52:04 | 112 miles | 19.09 mile/hr
Age Group: 14/132
Overall: 598/2700
Performance: Good
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Time: 06:32
Overall: Average
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike
Racking bike
Shoe and helmet removal
04:34:04 | 26.2 miles | 10m 28s  min/mile
Age Group: 12/132
Overall: 0/2700
Performance: Below average
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]