Get to the Green 5K Run/Walk - Run5k

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Columbia, South Carolina
United States
Strictly Running / Eggplant Production
60F / 16C
Total Time = 18m 24s
Overall Rank = 10/847
Age Group = M40-44
Age Group Rank = 2/71
Pre-race routine:

None. Well, I got dressed.
Event warmup:

Jogged 2 miles to the race site with a few strides thrown in. Just trying to get yesterday's intervals out of my legs. Picked up chip. Jogged another half mile with a few strides thrown in.
  • 18m 24s
  • 3.11 miles
  • 05m 55s  min/mile

Fun race. I lined up in the second row and got stuck behind a bunch of high school kids who went out like champs then faded after 300 yards. After negotiating around them, and then some other heroes at around the 1/2 mile mark, we hit the first real hill, which involved more negotiating. By the top, I was at the back of a small group of about 8 runners -- I could see around 8-12 truly fast guys well out in front at that point. We figured to reel in one or two of them, so I thought that top 10 was an outside possibility at that point, but didn't really know. Nor was I super-confident that I wouldn't fade (or worse) before the end. My legs felt a bit like jelly.

I recognized one of the guys in my little group as a solid runner from a Thanksgiving Day race in 2009 and decided that I'd make it my goal to stick with him. So I just worked my way up to him, and sat right on, trying not to think of my jelly-legs. At about the mile mark, he made a move to break free of the group, and I went with him. I stuck right behind him for the next mile, and then at mile 2 I pulled up alongside. We had caught another runner at that point and it was a bit of cat and mouse from there until the end. The third runner kept falling back then surging. I let him go on the surges and reeled him back in slowly each time. At this point, I was dragging the guy who had pulled me through the first two miles (one good turn deserves another...). With about a third of a mile to go, there was one more surge from the third runner, and I timed the reel-in so that I'd catch him with about 200m to go, then sprinted and beat him (and my 'partner') out by 2 seconds. Whoopee! He turned out to be 40, so beating him at the line gave me 'first place' masters (really second place, but Eric won the overall, so 'first place' masters reverted to me).
What would you do differently?:

OK, so I finished top 10. I've 'earned' the right to line up in the front row, and next time that's where I'll be. No more dodging people at the start. And I probably should have gone out a little harder. I had a bit too much energy at the end for that sprint (though, of course, it came in handy at the moment!). I really didn't know how to pace this, with the hills and tired legs. Still, I'm pleased with the result and overall with how I performed, especially for a hilly course with a net gain in elevation.
Post race
Warm down:

Jogged another 2.5 miles waiting for the awards. Had to stick around to collect my $50!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Intervals yesterday???

Event comments:

A nice race. Fun times. This was my first actual open 5k (apart from self-timed ones). I'm still pretty far from my goal, but I sense, now, that it might be a realistic goal, and once I can start really focusing on 5k speed, I think it just could happen. I give myself a year.

Last updated: 2011-03-19 12:00 AM
00:18:24 | 03.11 miles | 05m 55s  min/mile
Age Group: 2/71
Overall: 10/847
Performance: Good
Course: Hilly, with a net gain in elevation. Slow but fun course.
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]