Comments: first time out. got tied up behing slower swimmer. actually stopped to keep from getting on top or them. What would you do differently?: swim over the person in front of me or adjust my submitted time a touch quicker Transition 1
What would you do differently?: nothing--happy with first transition ever Bike
Comments: need to spend more time on the bike pre-race Transition 2
Comments: again pleased with the transition Run
Comments: increased time by 2:04 over previous best 5K competition time Post race
Warm down: stretch. walk What limited your ability to perform faster: stuck behind slow swimmer in pool. had to stop and tie shoe during ride Event comments: lackluster after event. very well staffed and run event othewise. Last updated: 2011-05-12 12:00 AM
United States
Set Up Events
70F / 21C
Overall Rank = 56/
Age Group = Clyde
Age Group Rank = 1/2
short jog, 200 M swim