Comments: My best OWS in a triathlon. I really enjoy this aspect of the race. It's just so different from anything I've ever done before. What would you do differently?: I feel great about how I did with this and I'm stunned that I did this well in my age group! Transition 1
Comments: Transitions still plague me a little bit. My goal was to really improve these, but I don't think I've made a lot of progress. I would like to be through transition in less than a minute, but that didn't happen. I probably need to emphasize it more as an aspect of my practice. I'm not sure if it will continue to be such an issue as I move into the Olympic distance. I think I'd take something between 60-90 seconds in that case. What would you do differently?: Practice transitions a little more. Bike
Comments: The ride was a little harder than I anticipated and I felt like I was giving everything I had on it. I didn't try to really push beyond that because I wanted to have something in the tank for the run at the end. I'd hope to average above 20mph, but it just wasn't happening on this course. What would you do differently?: I need to ride more! I'm still not putting the miles in to be 100% comfortable and confident in the saddle. That will be a big goal in the coming weeks! Transition 2
Comments: My speed laces are a little small which makes it difficult to get the shoes on even when they are fully loosed. I plan on getting some new tri shoes in the coming month, so hopefully that problem will be eliminated. What would you do differently?: Being able to get my shoes on faster would have probably saved me 20-30 seconds in T2. Again this is just something I haven't practiced enough. I will continue to work on this. Run
Comments: Running continues to be my dominant sport of the three. I was a full minute faster than anyone else in my age group. I'll take that. I know with a little more conditioning and strength in the bike, I can even improve on that. Something I'll continue to try and do! What would you do differently?: Nothing. I felt great about how I did on the run. Post race
Warm down: Nothing really. What limited your ability to perform faster: Nothing.. Event comments: This is a really well-organized race and I will likely add it to my annual race calendar. It's a great location, and a great course. The delays in the start were done to clear the bike course and as a safety matter, completely acceptable. Last updated: 2011-05-24 12:00 AM
United States
Greeley Triathlon Club
65F / 18C
Overall Rank = 32/226
Age Group = 40-44
Age Group Rank = 1/16
We arrived at the race very early as we were only about a 10 minute drive. We had an excellent choice of spots for transition and I selected a spot right on the end and next to the median with plenty of space to move about. After dropping our stuff off, there were numerous trips to the port o potties (hydration was not an issue). Then we watched several of the youth and junior race starts. By the time we stepped into the water, nearly 2 1/2 hours had passed.