What would you do differently?: Let those who cut me off know that I'm there, instead of letting them just keep kicking me as they cross in front of me. Transition 1
Comments: Had cap/goggles off before I was even out of the water. Wetsuit came off fast (dont use body glide/etc, just well practiced manuever). I once again ran with my shoes on to the mounting point. I've become pretty comfortable walking/running in my shoes. Also, I got to transition 20 minutes before it opened and picked out a primo spot. Didnt have to run more than 40-50 feet until i could mount. Mounted quick and blasted past 4 others up the hill. Bike
Comments: Mile 16 was hell on wheels. My calves were both cramping/spasming severely. Suspect poor pre-race hydration (just spent the week prior in Mexico)I should have been going 30+ down the hill I had just climbed, but wasted it, because my legs were freakin out. Had to ride slow. Pedaled with right leg only for while while trying to stretch my left leg and keep going. Time/pace wise, I did better than last race. But last race I was so cold I couldn't feel my legs. What would you do differently?: DRINK MORE WATER. Transition 2
Comments: Got into shoes quickly. Everything went smooth. What would you do differently?: Look to see where the run start is BEFORE the race. I had to run back to the other side of transition once I had realized the bike start was not also the run start. Run
Comments: I cant think of the last time my body hurt so bad. All I could think about was finishing. This occured in the first 100 yards of the run. But, I kept going and I finished! Post race
Warm down: Gave big hugs to my wife and kids. What limited your ability to perform faster: Not drinking enough water the week before the race Event comments: The ONLY thing I wish was different is, There was absolutely no security at transition. Athletes were in the transition area 15 minutes before it opened. They should have never gotten past the entrance. And, there were just as many racers as spectators in the transition before the race. Needless to say, my goggles and a water bottle disappeared somehow. O Well. Last updated: 2011-06-28 12:00 AM
United States
USA Productions
82F / 28C
Overall Rank = 228/426
Age Group = 25-29
Age Group Rank = 18/19
1/2 mile jog.