Freedom 5K - Run5k

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Grandview, Iowa
United States
68F / 20C
Total Time = 43m 30s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 40-49
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

woke up at 5am; Taylor and myself drove up to Grandview, confirmed our entry, accepted our shirts.

Event warmup:

About 7:15 began to stretch out a little and listened to Dell give information on the course
  • 43m 23s
  • 3.2 miles
  • 13m 34s  min/mile

Ran with Taylor on her first 5K; we did good for about the first mile. Then Taylors stomach started to cramp up a bit after drinking the provided water. Towards the end of the last mile we had to switch to walking every other telephone poleu
What would you do differently?:

Continue to training; good pace for us
Post race
Warm down:

walk a city block

Event comments:

This is my First run only event and was excited to experience this with my oldest daughter

Last updated: 2011-07-04 12:00 AM
00:43:23 | 03.2 miles | 13m 34s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Average
Course: Nice out an back course.. one slight hill otherwise flat and smooth
Keeping cool Good Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4