The 21st Governor's Bay Bridge Run - Run10k

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Annapolis, Maryland
United States
Annapolis Striders
50F / 10C
Total Time = 48m 35s
Overall Rank = 326/2141
Age Group = 30-34 M
Age Group Rank = 36/116
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 5:00 and had a bowl of cereal (Kashi protein) and an apple. Made up a bottle of accelerade, grabbed my bib and headed for Sandy Point. Still dark outside and pretty cold out, 46 when I left the house. Wore my new BT race shirt and tri shorts - one final dry run prior to Columbia. Downed my Accelerade bottle in the car after reaching the park.
Event warmup:

This is a very unique race. The start of the race is on the far side of the Bay Bridge, with the run finishing in Sandy Point State Park on the Western Side of the Bay. Headed for the start buses around 6:20, boarding a bus for the other side. Reached the starting line around 7:20, 40 minutes till start time. There was no area to warm up at the start, we were all in the start corral waiting. Worked on stretching and trying to stay warm, it was COLD! at 7:40, had a hammergel and a few sips of water. Ready to GO...
  • 48m 35s
  • 6.21 miles
  • 07m 49s  min/mile

After getting off the bus, went into the starting corral and waited for the start. Was up close to the front and got off close to the gun time. Since I was starting cold, I used the first 10 minutes to get loose and the blood pumping. The start is flat getting out onto the bridge so worked well to get things going. Heart rate climbed and kept it at high zone 2 till legs were warmed up. About the time was feeling warm, the climb up the bridge started. At this point was slowly picking off racers who started too fast. I increased the pace and got the HR up to just over 170, right around my LT. I focused on keeping this pace and worked my form up to the top of the bridge. Slowly picked off more folks as a few started to walk, not being able to maintain on the hill. I skipped the first water stop and kept pushing on. Wasn't sure of my pace, I didn't see any mile markers but my pace felt like somewhere in the 8-9 range. Kept pushing and could see the crest of the bridge. Maintained pace and focused on keeping HR in range. On the downhill worked to lengthen my stride a bit and take advantage of the downhill. HR dropped south of 170 for a bit here, could have probably pushed a bit more, but kept pace steady. Once and a while would get passed, but generally was picking off more people as the race went on. Grabbed water at the second stop and took a small sip. Pushed on... Was starting to feel the legs after the bridge, trying to guess at how far I had gone... My watch was just starting to approach 40 when when mile 5 marker came up. I had managed sum 8 minute miles from the start! Kept pushing and picked up the pace for the final mile. HR climbed reaching the high 170's, over LT. Felt good and pushed for home. Hit the mile 6 mark, pulling a 7:38... Almost there. Pushed the final stretch and ended 48:35. Not bad for a couch potato a year ago!

Very nice race coordinated - even had very nice finishers medals.
What would you do differently?:

Next time get a warm up in before - run in place, do something to get the legs working. Feel I lost a bunch of time at the start getting going. Also need to watch the HR on descents and not let up as much. Could have gone a bit harder on the descent.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around the park, getting legs cooled down. Had a bagel, and a banana. Race had tons of stuff post race - energy bars, tons of food and even free beer!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack of good warm up prior. Left leg still feeling a bit strange. Feel almost like a bit of a limp when running - doesn't hurt during the run, but seems to be tender afterwards. Focus is in the back of left knee, near the inside along the large tendons.

Event comments:

Well run race - would definately do this again.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2006-04-20 12:00 AM
00:48:35 | 06.21 miles | 07m 49s  min/mile
Age Group: 36/116
Overall: 326/2141
Performance: Good
Overall 168 Average, 181 Peak. Top of bridge 21:46 161 AVG 174 Peak 5 Mile Mark 39:29 171 AVG 176 Peak 7:53 Pace 6 Mile Mark 47:07 176 AVG 179 Peak 7:38 Mile Finish 178 AVG 181 Peak
Course: The Course was very unique! Start is on the Eastern shore just before the Bay Bridge. The course takes you up across the bridge, which is about 4.5 miles long. That is roughly 2 or so miles up and then 2 miles down, with pretty much flat as you come around and enter Sandy Point State Park. The bridge surface is concrete, so it was a bit rough on the legs while on the bridge. They had two water stations along the bridge portion, I skipped the first and had a couple sips at the second.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5