Comments: The current was so strong that the entire first wave (all military) missed the first buoy and had to struggle against the current to go back to it. After that each wave ran down the beach 100-200 yards before entering the water. My guess of where to enter was pretty good and I didn't struggle too bad against the current or waves. However, on the way in I was pummled by a wave that hit me so hard I thought I might drown. Pretty crazy. That slowed me up a bit because then I started looking behind me as a swam in to anticipate the waves. Transition 1
Comments: Improved my tranistion time by over a minute from last time. Although I am still pretty slow in there. What would you do differently?: Maybe it is time to practice riding/running without socks for sprints Bike
Comments: Bike was fun. I like rolly courses. I can pass people on those easy uphill portions. Unfortunately, I always get passed on the flat or down. My dad's line went off 10 min before me, so it was fun to catch him at about the 1/2 mark on the bike and ride together for a couple miles. Had an 8 min improvement in my time here. Transition 2
Comments: Didn't feel too bad. I did get one of those knife-like sideaches and had to walk for approx 30 sec to make it go away. Bummer. I need to get better at the run. No doubt about it. Post race
Event comments: I love this race! It is so well organized! Great people and great price! Last updated: 2011-08-10 12:00 AM
United States
AC/S, MCCS, Semper Fit Division
Overall Rank = /
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 20/46