Irish Pub Road Race - Run

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Harwich, Massachusetts
United States
Cape Cod Irish Pub
70sF / 0C
Total Time = 48m 37s
Overall Rank = 506/967
Age Group = 30-39
Age Group Rank = 48/111
Pre-race routine:

I incorrectly set the time on the alarm clock (pm vs am) so I woke up at 6am instead of 5am. Therefore, my planned run to get in the entirety of my scheduled miles was a fail. Additionally, my daughter was sick with a fever and wanted nothing to do with daddy. Barely got out of the house in time. Picked up a friend on the way to the race. Parking was a bit tricky but I squeezed in on a side street.
Event warmup:

Can you call jogging from where I parked to the race start and waiting in the porta-potty line, chatting a warm up?
  • 48m 37s
  • 5.25 miles
  • 09m 16s  min/mile

My goal for this race was to push myself hard enough to test my abilities but also be able to keep pace throughout the entire run. Pre-race I set my sights on a 10 min/mi pace because I tend to go out too fast and fizzle fast. I also haven't been running very fast in my training runs this last month. Whether it be heat, just general lethargy, or focusing on making the distance, I've been running slow.

I started in the back of the pack with my friend who has been running an 11 min/mi pace. She was nervous as she had never run 5 miles before in her life. As we got to the start line I look down to start my gps watch and it had shut off. Gah. There I was hovering over the line waiting for the watch to acquire the satelite so I could start my watch. With that little hiccup I was trapped in the back. I tried skirting around the edges but kept looking down at my watch trying to make sure I didn't go too fast. My first mi clocked in at 9:21. I felt good and decided to try to keep that pace and see what happened. Mi 2 clocked in at 9:17. I felt pretty good but it was humid. I used the water stations to pour water over my head, ran through sprinklers as much as possible to stay cool. Somewhere during mi 3 I felt a side cramp coming on. I tried breathing through it. My mind wandered to Suzy's (SSMinnow) recommendation on working on my mental toughness. Here I was not even 3 miles in and I was already looking forward to the end. I had to buck up big time. For some reason "Eye of the Tiger" came to mind and I sang the song in my head while intermittantly chatting with other racers, and in awe of a mom pushing her kid in a huge stroller who passed me and left me in her dust.

Just as I was beginning to wonder where the heck I was I could see the church where we turned onto the final stretch. I saw my friend's family there and they cheered me on. Saw lots of "go mom" signs and I thought of my own kids which gave me a big boost. 0.3 mi from the finish a teen started sprinting and I decided to join in. He fell behind but I gave it everything I had til the very end. After all... pain is temporary.

Last 3 miles clocked in at 9:21, 9:20, and 9:15. I am super happy with how I did. Big boost to my confidence going into my HIM.
What would you do differently?:

If I really cared, I'd check my gps watch before I actually cross the start line and start closer to the front but the focus was on fun and I had fun.
Post race
Warm down:

Hopped in line to grab myself the equivalent of my entry fee in beer.

Event comments:

The volunteers were great. Lots of families as the race benefits the Harwich fire fighters. I chose the youngest child at every water station to take water from them while saying a huge thank you.

Only thing I'd complain about is that they could have used more than ONE person at the tap. Really?

Last updated: 2011-08-11 12:00 AM
00:48:37 | 05.25 miles | 09m 16s  min/mile
Age Group: 48/111
Overall: 506/967
Performance: Good
Course: Rolling flats through some residential areas.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 4
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3